Saturday 26th March 2011

The Short-toed Treecreeper remained present today for many more birders to see. It was retraped early this morning within the observatory compound; it was very good to see that it had put on a little bit of weight. Other birds of interest were out on the common, 1 Black Redstart and 2 Wheatear. 12 Goldcrests wre also found around the recording area and a stunning male Common Scoter was seen close in shore. 15 birds were ringed, 10 Goldcrest, 1 Great Tit and 4 Blackbird.

Friday 25th March 2011

Short-toed Treecreeper still present and seen in the glorious sunshine by several hundred punters. 2 Wheatears were our first since the 9th with a fine male Black Red also present on the reserve. Otherwise fairly quiet with singles of Chiffchaff & Goldcrest in the bushes plus a Skylark on the reserve. Three new Blue Tits moved through as did a couple of new Blackbirds & a Chaffinch. Offshore deadly quiet with the highlight being 53 Brent north. Finally worth a mention were a pair of Peregrines over the docks first thing in the morning.

Thursday 24th March 2011

Without a doubt the main highlight of the day and possibly the year was a Short-toed Treecreeper that was originally caught within the Bird Observatory compound at 07:00hrs. It showed classic features of Short-toed and was enjoyed by many birders throughout the day. It is the 1st record for Suffolk and the 26th record for Britain! Apart from the Short-toed Treecreeper it was extremely quiet, other birds of note were 1 Brambling, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 1 male Goldcrest, 2 Grey Heron migrating north and 1 Little Owl. Only 7 birds ringed in total: 1 Short-toed Treecreeper, 1 Robin, 1 Wren, 1 Blackbird and 3 Chaffinch. A Grass Snake was also seen today, found on one of the many paths within the observatory compound. Obviously the warmth is beginning to bring out the reptiles!

Landguard Bird Observatory has been informed of a recovery of a Long-tailed Tit that has gone to Somerset. This is quite a long distance for a Long-tailed Tit as they usually do not move very far at all! It is unusual for a bird ringed in Suffolk to go any further than Norfolk! The bird was ringed at Landguard on October 28th 2008 and found freshly dead in Somerset on March 3rd 2011.

Wednesday 23rd March 2011

Glorious sunny morning. Migrants in short supply. 2 Jackdaws and singles of White Wag, Skylark, Goldcrest, Brambling, Redpoll, Fieldfare & Reed Bunting were the highlights.

Tuesday 22nd March 2011

Another calm day with the temperature warming up by mid-day. Highlights were a Lapland Bunting moving south and 2 Mealy Redpolls. Also of note were 2 Rook, 1 Shag and a Brambling. Birds ringed today were 1 male Mealy Redpoll, 1 male Goldcrest, 1 Robin, 3 Redwing, 4 Blackbird, 3 Great Tit and 2 Blue Tit. In the moth traps were Lead-coloured Drab and Acleris cristana - both species have only been noted on a couple of occasions previously. Also in the Moth traps were a Hawthorn Shieldbug and Green Shieldbug.

Monday 21st March 2011

The day was most calm and certain birds were on the move. 2 Barnacle Geese were moving south; also on the move were 1 Fulmar, 6 Jackdaw and 1 Rock Pipit. A Reed Bunting was found along with 3 Redwing and the long staying male Firecrest. 19 birds were ringed today; 5 Blackbird, 5 Chaffinch, 3 Long-tailed Tits, 2 Great Tits, 2 Blue Tits, 1 Starling and 1 Wren. Also of note today were Common Frogs and spawn in the Butts pond and the first butterfly of the year for Landguard was sighted, a Small Tort in front of the obs building at mid-day.

Sunday 20th March 2011

Short-eared Owl on the reserve is a good record - in spring we average one about every 3 or 4 years. A trickle of standard mid-March migrants on site in very small numbers including new Chaffinchs, Blackies and singles of Dunnock & Great Tit. 10 Long-tailed Tits paid us a brief visit and a fine adult Med Gull is still with us. A pair of Robins are nest building under some old metal stairs behind the observatory. Although a reasonable number of Robins overwinter here we only usually have one breeding pair (two pairs occasionally and none at all in some years).