Saturday 21st May 2011

The wind direction was a very slight south south-westerly, there was no cloud present and the day became very warm. An extremely quiet day with very little of particular interest seen. The only migrants obseved passing through were 3 Common Tern and 15 Swallow. A Reed Warbler and Long-tailed Tit were found within the Bird Observatory compound. 8 birds ringed today; 1 Reed Warbler, 1 young Dunnock, 1 Common Whitethroat, 3 Greenfinch, 1 young Starling and 1 Long-tailed Tit. Butterflies found included Small Copper and Common Blue. A Brown Rat was recorded.

Friday 20th May 2011

The wind direction was west south-westerly, there was very little wind early morning but the wind picked up slightly as the day went on. Migrants moving through were 2 Fulmar, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Whimbrel, 3 Barnacle Geese, 2 Sandwich Tern, 33 Swallow, 8 House Martin and 6 Goldfinch. Of particular interest was a Black Tern seen moving north. 3 Reed Warbler were found throughout the morning. Only 1 Northern Wheatear was found out on the reserve. 9 birds ringed today; 1 Reed Warbler, 2 Greenfinch, 3 Linnet, 1 Goldfinch and 2 Woodpigeon. Butterflies found included Small Copper, Common Blue and Green Hairstreak. A Cockchafer beetle was found in the moth trap.

Thursday 19th May 2011

A very pleasant sunny day with a gentle breeze. The day started off with a north-westerly wind becoming north-easterly and by mid-day had turned easterly. There was very little migration of note and very few grounded migrants. The highlights were a Spotted Flyactacher and a Reed Warbler. The Spotted Flycatcher turned up mid-day and was trapped and ringed within the Bird Observatory compound. The Reed Warbler was heard calling up on the butts early morning. Only 1 Northern Wheatear was found out on the reserve. 8 birds were ringed today; 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Robin, 2 Linnet and 1 Woodpigeon. Butterflies seen included Green Hairstreak, Small Copper and Common Blue. In the moth traps a cream wave, although common elsewhere, is the first of it's kind to be seen here for nine years. Also of note a Large Red Damselfly was seen by the heli pond as was a Grass Snake.

Wednesday May 18th 2011

Overcast & breezy morning. 43 Swifts, 14 Swallows & 6 Common Scoter south so far. Migrants in the bushes included 2 Spot Flys, Blackcap & Chiffchaff with 2 Wheatears on the reserve. Lots more baby birds appearing. A Sand Dart in the moth trap is a notable species (although we do get one or two most years).

Tuesday 17th May 2011

The day consisted of a westerly wind with some cloud cover early morning. By mid day it was very warm and sunny. Migrants on the move included 1 Fulmar heading north and 1 Whimbrel heading south. Also heading south were 66 Swallow, 2 Swift and 5 Goldfinch. A Hobby was seen early afternoon hunting over the Bird Observatory ringing compound, unfortunaetly all the nets were already shut! Warblers found were 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 5 Common Whitethroat, 2 male Blackcap and 1 Willow Warbler. 8 birds ringed today; 2 male Blackcap, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Greenfinch, 1 young Dunnock, 1 Chaffinch and 1 Linnet. Butterflies present included 1 Orange Tip and 1 Clouded Yellow. Other species seen were Brown Argus and Common Blue. A Grey Seal was seen close in offshore.

Monday 16th May 2011

The day consisted of a slightly breezy westerly wind with much cloud, as the day progressed the wind became even stronger. Migrants moving through were 25 Common Scoter, 1 Oystercatcher, 44 Swallow, 20 House Martin, 1 Carrion Crow, 17 Crossbill and 4 Goldfinch. Again there were large numbers of terns fishing close offshore, 65 Little Tern were recorded and 33 Common Tern. 3 Northern Wheatear were found out on the reserve along with 10 Meadow Pipit. 5 Common Whitethroat were found and there were 2 Willow Warbler present. 11 birds ringed today; 2 Willow Warbler, 1 young Chaffinch, 2 Linnet, 1 Blackbird, 3 Goldfinch and 1 young Robin.

Sunday May 15th 2011

Bright & breezy with north-westerlies is not what is required at this time of the year. 74 Little Terns feeding offshore is good to see. Swallows still trickling south with 81 counted so far. Also on the move 3 House Martins & 4 Jackdaws. Migrants in the bushes include a Spot Fly, Willow Warbler & a couple of new Whitethroats. 2 Wheatears are still loitering on the reserve. Otherwise its baby bird time with the first juv Chaffinch of the year noted although the Blackies are struggling to rear many young due to the ongoing drought conditions.