Saturday 14th January 2012

Glorious sunny morning with a good turn out for the litter pick. Song thrush singing his head off. Rock Pipit on the point again is possibly going to try wintering with us. Male Peregrine sat in the sun on the top of the tallest crane on the docks with the Little Owl out sunning himself again. A Guillemot was found dead on the tide line - very thin so probably starved to death.

Friday 13th January 2012

Glorious sunny morning but very much "same old, same old" as far as birds are concerned. Little Owls out sunning themselves were the highlights. Without a change in the weather we are going to be stuck in a bit of a rut until spring gets going.

Thursday 12th January 2012

2 Gadwal & a Guillimot south plus a handful of Red-throated Divers & Cormorants coming & going. Fieldfare was new in.

January Litter Pick

Litter pick this Saturday 14th January 0930hrs start. Further info on the events page of - all welcome & with plenty of hands the job can be done in under a couple of hours.

Wednesday 11th January 2012

Glorious mild morning - more like mid-March temperatures than January. Consequently very little to report. Limited observations out to see produced a handful of Cormorants, Red-throated Divers plus 5 Shelduck south. Even the gulls are forsaking us at the moment with little activity behind the ships. The adult male Peregrine was around the cranes early on but we have still to establish where his preferred perch's are these days. The cranes on the dock extension are twice the size of those nearest us and although we can see him fly up to them we can't see him when he lands or even if he has a preferred spot with so many vantage points to choose from.


A Common Buzzard flying north over the obs at 0815hrs is a good site record of a species that is unusually scarce here (we have less than 25 records in total). Apart from this limited observations offshore produced a handful of Red-throated Divers plus a Shelduck south. Very mild for the time of the year.


Minimal time spent spent seawatching with 2 Red-breasted Mergansers the only birds noted. Purple Sand & Rock Pipit on the point with the adult male Peregrine putting in an appearance before settling on one of the new huge cranes on the dock extension.


More action than would be expected for the time of the year & in the current weather conditions. 2 Pochard south are notable as this species is unusually scarce here. 2 Marsh Harriers south are distinctly unseasonable with the number of January records over the years easily countable on one hand. Also on the move 51 Cormorants north 137 south, 27 Red-throated Divers north 17 south, 2 Shelduck north 41 south, 4 Brents north 13 south, 2 Black-throated Divers north, Gannet north, Eider north & Red-breasted Merganser south. A couple of Lesser Black-backed Gulls also noted with this species being surprisingly scarce here in mid-winter despite plenty of them wintering just up river from us. Apologies for the late posting of this weekends sightings due to attending the annual meeting of the Bird Observatories Council at Gib Point.