Saturday 21st January 2012

Not raining today - but little more seen than yesterday. A handful of Kitts & at least 3 Meds amongst the seagulls plus a couple more adult Lesser Black-backs starting to appear. Unfortunately as long as it stays this mild this blog is going to stay as exciting as the proverbial "watching paint dry".

Friday 20th January 2012

Rain all day - say no more !

Thursday 19th January 2012

Damp & wet up to mid-morning. When the weather cleared plenty of Red-throated Divers & Cormorants coming & going offshore with 8 Brents in off the sea the only other movement. A Harbour Porpoise poked his (or hers) fin above water a couple of times heading northwards. 2 Snow Buntings were on the beach near the point with plenty of local Blackbirds feeding out on the reserve after the rain.

Wednesday 18th January 2012

Fine drizzle & poor visibility - nice ! 15 Snow Buntings on the beach straight out from the obs then into the aggregate yard late morning were seen to fly over the river towards Dovercourt. Nowt else to report.

Tuesday 17th January 2012

The first decent frost of the winter down here. 4 Snow Buntings were flying around early on but it is not known whether they landed or not. 10 Wigeon siting offshore was the only other sighting of note as, otherwise, it was just the usual birds in the usual places. 9 Linnets is a reasonable number for this time of the year.

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Monday 16th January 2012

Cracking sunny winters day. Up the river on a low water count this morning so coverage limited to a brief visit late afternoon. 4 Med Gulls in the View Point car park for those of you who like there gulls around your feet. The Little Owl is currently screaming his head off as i write this with the sound echoing evocatively around the walls of the fort. Temperature falling so it's going to be a chilly one tonight.


Just a reminder to members & friends that subs for 2012 are due. New members always welcome. Please see for more info.

Sunday 15th January 2012

ESE onshore breeze & overcast so feeling cold this am. c.110 Cormorants were sat on a sandbar in the distance at low tide giving an indication of how many are actually around & about at the moment. A handful of Red-throated Divers coming & going offshore with 3 Common Scoter south plus one north & a Great-crested Grebe south. Rock Pipit on the point again with the male Peregrine once again on one of the new tallest dock cranes.