Saturday 16th June 2012

Blowing a gale by mid morning. 15 Crossbills south overhead with 19 distant Gannets offshore. Apart from this it's baby bird time of the year. A Lapwing was found dead on the beach during the litter pick.

Friday 15th June 2012

A flock of 51 Crossbills heading south was the highlight of the morning, with other movers including 18 Curlew. a Whimbrel and the odd Swallow and Swift. 3 Birds ringed, all Juveniles Starling, Great Tit and Linnet. Our Dutch Marsh Warbler that was controlled at the end of was was originally ringed as an adult bird on 12th June 2011 in Castricum North Holland, a distance of 351km away

June Litter Pick

Beach Litter Pick this Saturday 16th June 0930hrs start, All welcome. Usual arrangements - further details on the Events page of

Thursday 14th June 2012

A bright morning with nice E-SE winds, only 4 birds ringed including a Swallow and the first Cuckoo of the year. Out and about a Little Gull was seen off the point and PO had brief views of an escaped Canary before a Hobby decided it would make for a good breakfast. The odd Goldfinch still moving through and the first Juvenile Chaffinch of the year was caught. Terns still feeding off the point and a few butterflies on the wing including Common Blue, Small White and Red Admiral.

Wednesday 13th June 2012

Another 3 new Blackcaps this morning - will spring passage ever stop for this species or are these late birds failed breeders going walkabout ? Juv Coal Tit on site is a classic case of juvenile dispersal with most of our records of this species in the second half of June. Apart from this it's baby bird time of the year with a dose of young Dunnocks appearing today. Unfortunately we had uninvited visitors late yesterday evening with several acts of petty mindless vandalism in the observatory compound & on the nature reserve.

Tuesday 12th June 2012

The rain persisted again today, still 5 new birds were ringed in brief clear spells, including a new female Blackcap and some local fledged Linnet, Robin and Dunnock juveniles. 4 Reed Warblers were around the reserve as well as a male Wheatear and a dozen or so Terns, both Common and Little. The Red-backed Shrike was not seen but could well still be loitering around Adastral Close. Having circulated images of the plover from yesterday the general consensus seem to suggest it was indeed an American Golden Plover.

Picture: Will Brame

Monday 11th June 2012

Trying weather today made observations and netting decidedly unpleasant. The male Red-backed Shrike was seen up near Adastral close and an interesting Golden Plover (Possibly American) was on the reserve briefly. Good numbers of swifts were battling through with at least 200 counted as well as the odd Swallow and House Martin. 4 Ringed Plover chicks were all present and correct. A dozen or so Common Terns fed out near the view point car park before moving off North, along with a couple of Little Terns.

Sunday 10th June 2012

Fine male Red-backed Shrike present this morning, singing occasionally. Other new migrants in today include a Blackcap & a couple of Reed Warblers. A couple of Swallows, House Martin & Goldies still trickling south on a glorious calm sunny morning for a change.