Saturday 23 June 2012

Much the same as yesterday with a few Swifts and Curlew passing through, joined by 7 Crossbill, a Whimbrel and a Cuckoo. A new adult Robin was trapped being highly unusual for this time of year. The immature female peregrine from yesterday was again seen perched up on the dock cranes. The wind battered moth traps continue to produce poor numbers, and with strong winds until at least Monday the next few days they could be equally as barren!

Friday 22nd June 2012

Strong southwesterlies all morning produced a decent passage of Swifts, with the count just shy of 400 before lunchtime. A few waders moved through too including Knot, Grey Plover, Golden Plover, Barwit and 50 Curlew. 2 Hobbys and 2 Peregrines were also seen, the first of the latter for over a month. Other migrants included singles of Cuckoo, Reed Warbler and Swallow. Ringing comprised of 2 House Sparrow, a Linnet and an adult female Chaffinch.

Thursday 21st June 2012

Rain all morning resulted in very poor coverage. A single Teal heading south, 2 Gannets North, a new Reed Warbler and Cuckoo in the bushes and half a dozen baby Bluetits dodging the showers.

Wednesday 20th June 2012

Still more baby birds acquiring rings today including the second Coal Tit of the month which has wandered from its nest site elsewhere. Unfortunately the Ringed Plovers are definitely down to a single juvenile now but it seems to be in good health, if a little small. More invertebrates around again in the warm weather with Hornet Clearwing, Hummingbird Hawk and an Emperor Dragonfly the highlights. A few Sandwich Terns and single Brambling were the best of the rest seen around the reserve.

Tuesday 19th June 2012

Some warm weather for a change brought a few more moths to the traps and a few butterflies floating about. A freshly emerged Hornet Clearwing was the highlight in that department. Bird wise a new Willow Warbler singing early on was a surprise, another dose of Crossbills was also welcome with 44 heading South. Still a few Curlew moving around, presumably failed breeders. The only other birds of Note were a couple of Mute Swans, singles of Swift and Swallow, and couple of Sandwich Terns.

Hornet Clearwing

Monday 18th June 2012

Not much to report from today, still a few baby birds bounding into nets along with a couple of new adult Whitethroats which was a surprise. A juvenile Grey Heron made a brief sortie around the reserve before being repelled by the local gulls. 24 Gannets were seen moving offshore along with a Sandwich Tern, a couple of House Martins and 8 Curlew. Yesterday EWP managed to eventually locate the Lesser Whitethroat nest in the Obs and ring 3 young, the first nestlings of this species to have been ringed here.

Sunday 17th June 2012

Another windy morning. Going south 19 Swifts, 6 House Martin, 5 Swallows, 4 Barnacle Geese, 4 Curlew & a Fulmar with a Hobby going south then back north. More baby birds appearing but no sign of any migrants in the bushes. Lunar Yellow Underwing in the moth trap is a nationally scarce species that puts an appearance here occasionally.