Saturday 11th August 2012

Quiet on the migrant passerine front today with a few Willow warbler hanging around, a Sedge Warbler and half a dozen Wheatears. Highlights of offshore movements included a Bonxie, 5 Gannet, 4 Grey Plover and an Arctic Tern. A Grayling was seen once again along with a Small Tortiseshell, Common Darter, Emperor and 3 Migrant Hawkers.

Migrant Hawker dragonfly (Allan King)

Friday 10th August 2012

With clear conditions overnight most of yesterdays birds seemed to have moved on with very few new ones in. Only a couple of new Willow Warblers ringed along with a Linnet, Greenfinch and Blue Tit. 2 Pied Flycatchers were in the compound, one ringed, presumably from yesterdays bunch. A Whinchat and 7 Wheatear were out on the reserve, and 1st summer Caspian Gull passed through. Notable was a Grayling butterfly amongst the usual characters, the first since 2006. Migrant and Southern Hawkers were both out and about along with a Common Darter.

Pied Flycatcher (Allan King)

Thursday 9th August 2012

Another busy day with c25 new Willow Warblers in. At least 5 Pied Flycatchers were on site along with a new Sedge, Whitethroat, 4 Wheatears and a Grey Wagtail passing over. Moving through 10 Grey Plover, 4 Little Tern, 8 Common Tern, 2 Redshank, a Tufty, 7 Curlew, 5 Gannet and 3 Whimbrel. Ringing totals for the day:

15 Willow Warbler; 4 Pied Flycatcher, 4 House Sparrow; 2 Linnet; 2 Starling; 2 Greenfinch, Robin; Wren; Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat = 33

Wednesday 8th August 2012

The autumn creeps ever onward with a nice selection of migrants on site today including c.25 Willow Warblers, 7 Whitethroats, 5 Wheatears & singles of Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler, Lesser 'throat, Tree Pipit & Wood Warbler plus the loitering Nightingale still with us. Visible migrants going south included 36 Oyks, 27 Swallows, 5 Sand Martins, 5 Redshank, 5 Grey Plover, 5 Knot, 4 Ringed Plover, 4 Curlew, 3 Grey Herons, 2 Dunlin, Greenshank, Whimbrel & Yellow Wag. The large immature female Peregrine also put on a show (although it won't be long before she attains full adult plumage). Migrant butterflies have been distinctly thin on the ground this year so it's good to have a Painted Lady put in an appearance.

Tuesday 7th August 2012

Fairly quiet as far new migrants are concerned with just a couple of new Willow Warblers in plus a handful of Swallows & Yellow Wags going south. Offshore 6 Common Terns, 6 Oyks, 3 Dunlin plus singles of Curlew & Knot. The Nightingale & Black Red are still with us. Of note was a young Kestrel trapped & ringed as this is a species we rarely catch here.

Monday 6th August 2012

A pleasant morning with a few waders on the move, including: 6 Knot, 3 Grey Plover, a Barwit, 4 Curlew, a Little Ringed Plover, and 5 Redshank. A count of roosting House Sparrows showed at least 100 roosting at the top end of the reserve, with Linnet numbers also being over 100 today. 13 birds ringed, 3 Willow Warblers, a Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Blackcap and some local juveniles. A late morning surprise was a British control Sedge Warbler. Tree-lichen Beauty was noted in the moth traps that continue to attract veru few migrant species.

Sunday 5th August 2012

A Pied Flycatcher perfomed well early morning, favouring the same spots as the Yesterdays Wood Warbler and similarly evading acquiring a ring. 8 bird were ringed including a single Willow Warbler, a juvenile female Sparrowhawk and Whitethroat. A Nightingale was seen briefly and when eventually caught turned out to be the juvenile ringed a fortnight ago, showing how skulking this species can be!