Saturday 15th September 2012

14 new birds ringed today including 3 more Grey Wagtails, 5 Meadow Pipits, 2 Blackcap, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. Autumn seems to definitely be on the move as both Redpoll and Siskin passed over along with a few Yellow Wags, 80 odd Swallows, 90 Mipits and a Lonely Brent Goose. A pair of Peregrines were seen on the dock cranes, including a large female bird sporting an orange darvic, indicating this is a British ringed bird. The birds treated observers to a brief courtship display before disappearing over the docks.

Friday 14th September 2012

More wind today and still only a few birds trickling through. 2 new Grey Wagtails and a yellow Wagtail were the pick of 8 birds ringed, the latter being the first since 2003. 2 Goldcrests were on site along with a new Chifchaff, 7 Wheatears, a male Redstart and a Great-spotted Woodpecker. On the move 2 Mute Swan, 32 Swallows, singles of Curlew, Whimbrel and Common Scoter, 20 Mipits, 49 House Martin, 8 Sand Martin and 5 Yellow Wagtails. Evening update of Spanish Sparrow turning up on the Butts late pm.

Thursday 13th September 2012

Another blustery day with heavy rain overnight, still a few new birds in this morning though. A Goldcrest was perhaps the most unexpected amongst a couple of Blackcaps, Hobby, Merlin, 6 Wheatear and half a dozen Willow Warblers. The odd Swallow and Meadow Pipit passed through along with 6 Yellow wagtails and a Grey Wagtail. Offshore - 2 Little Tern, 4 Sandwich and 13 Common, 3 Med Gulls, a Common Gull, 5 Wigeon, 19 Common Scoter and 5 Gannet. Late news from yesterday of a Purple Sandpiper on the groynes near the butts.

Wednesday 12th September 2012

Distinctly cooler start to the day. Nice to have a bit of vis mig this am including 91 Swallows, 72 Mipits, 6 Sand Martins, 3 Grey Herons, 3 Goldfinch, Yellow Wag, Grey Wag & Siskin going south. Offshore a handful, literally, of ducks & waders on the move. On the reserve 8 Wheatears & in the bushes at least 8 Willow Warblers, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Whitethroats & a Lesser. No sign of the Spanish Sparrow yesterday evening coming into roost but that does not mean it has gone just because no one picked it up coming in - it has failed to put in an appearance before.

Tuesday 11th September 2012

Very poor conditions today with a raging westerly wind and rain early on. Very few birds on the move offshore or otherwise. A new Chiffchaff was the only to acquire a ring. The only species seen moving in double figures were 12 Wigeon, with a Gadwall, a Pintail, half a dozen Swallow and Sand Martin and a couple of Teal.

Monday 10th September 2012

A Gannet north with the following going south: 89 Wigeon, 37 Teal, 30 Swallows, 17 Knot, 11 Ringos, 9 Sand Martin, 6 Barwits, 5 Common Scoter, 4 Grey Plover, 4 Cormorants, 3 Sarnies, single Pintail, Mallard, Curlew & Swift. Hardly riveting stuff but a damm sight more than on the move in recent days. In the bushes a fall of Sedge & Willow Warbler - just the one of each ! On the reserve a Wheatear plus a young female Peregrine strutting her stuff first thing. There are still a couple of Gatekeepers on the wing but they are getting on their last legs & another Willow Emerald Damselfly turned up in the obs compound. Finally i will give a mention to Southern Hawker as they are quite probably having their best ever year down here in terms off the number recorded. Evening update for Manuel, our Spanish Sparrow, present & accounted for late pm.

Sunday 9th September 2012

The glorious sunny conditions still means that it is largely a migrant free zone. Singles of Yellow Wag, Wheatear & Redstart on the reserve along with a couple of Whitethroats & Lessers. Only two new birds ringed so far a Great Tit & a Robin. Vis mig & offshore movements almost non-existent. A large hybrid falcon was up on the dock cranes - which is all we need - another hybrid to confuse the ongoing Peregrine story ! Evening update as is now the norm Manuel showed up on que.