Saturday 22nd September 2012

With a few Eastern migrants dotted around the coast further North hope were high for a few more interesting  visitors. A slowish morning produced a handful of new Robins, Goldfinches and tits, with the star of the show being a Brambling trapped towards lunchtime. 10 Med Gulls were hanging around most of the day, feasting on chips and discarded bait from fishermen. Passing by a Red Throated Diver, Snipe, a sprinkling of Swallows, 4 Grey Heron, Gadwall, Kittiwake, 1 Arctic Tern and a few each of Little, Sandwich and Common Tern.

The first Brambling of the Autumn

Friday 21st September 2012

Calmer conditions failed to produce the goods with only 11 birds ringed this morning, Still a few mipits, House Martins, Yellow Wagtail and Swallow moving through but in much reduced numbers than earlier in the week. At least 9 Med Gulls were loafing around the point along with the odd Shelduck ,Wigeon, a Barwit and a pair of Common Sandpiper. Some easterlies over the weekend give us a little hope of a bird or two.

Thursday 20th September 2012

30 new bird ringed this morning as Southward migration continues to trickle onwards. House martins trumped Swallows today with 850 and 280 of each respectively passing through. Meadow pipits struggled to make it towards 200, still 11 were added to the ringing totals. A couple of Goldcrests, half a dozen Chiffchaff, the odd Willow Warbler and Blackcap were on site, along with 2 Wheatear, a Grey and 5 Yellow Wagtails. Pretty uneventful out to sea, a late morning Puffin being the highlight amongst a few Teal, Wigeon, a Pintail, Brent Goose and Juvenile Gannet. Our nearest Peregrine perch bit the dust today as one of the old cranes on the docks was finally broken down.

Ringing totals Meadow Pipit 11, Chiffchaff 6, Dunnock 2, Blackcap 3, Robin, Blue Tit, Sparrowhawk, Goldcrest, Willow Warbler, Chaffinch and House Martin.

Wednesday 19th September 2012

Distinctly cooler start in a WNW wind - not what we want at this time of the year. Going south 600 hirundines, 65 Mipits, 9 Siskins 2 Pied & a Yellow Wag. Offshore fairly tedious with the highlight being 12 Redshank. In the bushes 6 Chiffs, Willow, Sedge, Whitethroat, Blackcap & Goldcrest but only 2 Wheatears on the reserve. Also on the reserve Yellow Wag but not a lot else with even the Linnet numbers thinning out.

Tuesday 18th September 2012

Swallows and House Martins were the order of the day with a conservative count of around 1500 of each passing through. Meadow Pipit numbers were down on the last few days with only 100 heading south, joined by 9 Goldfinch, 5 Pied Wag, 5 Yellow Wag, 4 Turnstone, 3 Ringo's, 2 Knot, 8 Siskin, 7 Teal, 4 Wigeon, 2 Kittiwake, 7 Common Scoter, a Tree Pipit and a Whimbrel. A Peregrine was again up on the dock cranes and the Wheatear numbers pushed into double figure for the first time this autumn, with 10 out and about. Other birds of note included a Hobby, Reed Bunting. 2 Willow Warbler and 2 Goldcrest.

Monday 17th September 2012

Mipit and Swallow passage contnued today with 300 and 800 of each heading south respectively. Smattered amongst them were a Tree Pipit, couple of Chaffinches, 30 Sand Martin, 3 Yellow Wags, a couple of Siskins and a Swift.Offshore 5 Eider, A Guillemot, Wigeon, Teal, a Little Tern and a lone Oystercatcher. A stranded Manx Shearwater was brought in from member of staff on the docks, the bird looking to be in good health and freshly fledged. Hopefully it will fly off in the correct direction this time when released later on this evening.

Manx Shearwater (Allan King)

Ringing was steady this morning and a bit more productive given the abysmal start to the month, 32 new birds ringed, and a couple of pulli Wood Pigeon. Meadow Pipit 10, Chiffchaff 5, Blackcap 3, Chaffinch 3, Whitethroat 2, Dunnock 2, Willow Warbler, Robin, Greenfinch, Swallow, Blue Tit, Goldcrest, Sedge Warbler.

Sunday 16th September 2012

Vis mig a bit more impressive this am with 578 Swallows, 359 Mipits, 110 House Martin, 14 Sand Martin, 3 Grey Wag, 2 Pied Wag, 1 Yellow Wag & a Hobby south so far. Offshore not a lot with 16 Teal & a Guillimot south the highlights ! In the bushes Chiffs just about squeeze into double figures plus 3 Blackcap, 2 Willows & a Garden. 7 Wheatear & a Tree Sparrow are on the reserve. Of note is a Great-spot trapped with some dirty oilly marks on it's undersides suggesting that it may have hitched a lift here on a boat (wing length on the longish side at 140mm also hints at it being an alien - but this is no longer conclusive). Also worth a mention is the Peregrine with the orange colour ring which is on the birds right leg (not left as noted yesterday due to the dyslexic observer getting his right & left mixed up) which may make it a Dutch, not British reared bird.