Saturday 23rd March 2013

A cold wind day and snowing most of the time. Despite the cold several hardy soles took part in litter pick on the beach, and managed to see 5 Turnstone, a Sanderling and a Purple Sandpiper. A Hawfinch showed briefly a couple of times was a nice find considering that few birds are about. Also seen today were 2 Water Rails and a flock of about 150 Starlings

Friday 23rd March 2013

Cold easterly gale - oh the joys of "spring" at Landguard. Offshore 14 Gannets, 2 Pintail, 2 Red-throated Divers & a Fulmar went north. No indication of any migrants in the bushes & if there are any on the point then i will leave you to find them as i am not walking out there in this weather ! What is presumably the same Long-eared Owl that was here two days ago is still with us skulking away & who can blame it for doing so.

March Litter Blog

Litter Pick this Saturday 23rd March 0930hrs. Usual arrangements. Further info on If coming please wrap up warm as weather forecast not good.

Thursday 21st March 2013

A quiet day with only a Fieldfare and a Wheatear of note.

Wednesday 20th March 2013

Three Rooks south and a Wheatear on the common started the day. At lunchtime a Long-eared Owl was caught whilst the nets were being closed, it was seen again flying around in the late afternoon before dusk.

Tuesday 19th March 2013

A calm day. A Short-eared Owl that put in an appearance early on was soon checked out by the local male Peregrine. Later in the morning our first summer migrants were found in the form of 2 fine male Wheaters.

Monday 18th March 2013

A foggy day with the occasional sunny period. The Water Rail was seen again. Also 10 Fieldfare, and 7 Redwing were about and 4 Goldfinch flew south in the afternoon during a brief period of sun.

Sunday 17th March 2013

Another quiet day. An adult Iceland Gull early on and 2 Mistle Thrushes late am were the only birds of note. Early afternoon produced a Porpoise off shore.