Saturday 25th May 2013

Another quiet day the highlights being an immature Shag at the Point, a Redpoll north, 5 Wheatear on the Common and a couple of Jays flying about. Offshore a Fulmar and a Great Northern Diver both flew north.

Ringing; single Dunnock and Whitethroat

Friday 24th May 2013

Despite the rain the first Spotted Flycatcher of the year was caught, other birds of note were a Turtle Dove heading south and 5 Wheatears on the Common. Offshore 25 Brents and a Fulmar headed north.

Ringing; 1 Spotted Flycatcher

Thursday 23rd May 2013

Another 8 Jays passed through which surely makes it a record spring passage for this species. 6 Wheatears on the reserve but migrants otherwise in short supply. 3  Barnacle Geese went north but very little else on the move. Northerly winds & cold nights not good  but this did not prevent the first Small Heath of the year appearing.

Ringing 1 willow warbler.

Wednesday 22nd May

Myrigration hiatus. New Garden Warbler, Chiff & Great Tit here today with 5 Wheatear & female Redstart again on the reserve. Handful of Swallows on the move plus 3 Jays north. Offshore 57 Brents north (+ 4 In off), 13 Sanderling north (+ 2 on the beach) & 40 Common Scoter south but not a lot else.

2 birds ringed- chiff & great tit.

Tuesday 21st May 2013

Strong northerlies greeted us today. Few birds were about except for a female Redstart on Icky Ridge, 3 Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler and the first juvenile Starling of the year on the Common. Offshore movements south involved 30 Gannet, 5 Fulmar and 3 Kittiwakes, birds heading north involved 13 Gannet, 23 Common Scoter and 2 Razorbill, a Guillemot also landed on the sea.

3 birds were ringed; w Chiffchaff & a Willow Warbler.

Monday 20th May 2013

A drizzly morning with the only highlights being a female Redstart by the Mine Station and an unseasonal drake Goosander heading north.

4 birds were ringed; 3 Chaffinch & a Willow Warbler

Sunday 19th May 2013

Generally a quiet day, the only birds of note were a Redstart, 40 Swallows south and 5 Jays, although one of these was forced into the river by the pair of Peregrines. The first fledged Dunnocks of the year were seen in the compound. Offshore a Red-breasted Merganser south and a Fulmar north were the only notable sightings.

11 birds were ringed; 3 Whitethroats, 2 Linnet, single Redstart, Blackbird, Dunnock  and 3 pulli Robins.