Saturday 15th June 2013

A wet and windy start, with the rain clearing by 0630. Viz mig produced 304 Swift, 2 House Martins and 7 Swallows headed south. Offshore a Grey Plover, 2 Avocets, 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Sanderling and 60 Curlews headed south and 15 Common Scoters and 5 Barnacle Geese headed north.

Ringing; single Greenfinch and Linnet.

Friday 14th June 2013

A handful of new migrants on site today including Reed Warbler, Spot Fly, Lesser 'throat & 3 Jays. 282 Swifts went south mostly before 6am as did 32 Wood Pigeons & 6 Goldfinch. Another new adult Blackbird turned up today which is the third this month. We shouldn't be getting new adults at this time of the year which are presumably failed breeders wandering. Worryingly we still haven't had a baby Blackie down here so far this year as birds are struggling to rear any young. Finally some Emperor dragonfly exuviae were at the Butts pond.

Thursday 13th June 2013

Very little seen this morning due to the strong south-easterlies apart from a couple of adult Med Gulls and 356 Swifts heading south.

Ringing; 3 Greenfinch and a Linnet

Wednesday 12th June 2013

Strong southerlies produced good viz mig this morning with 112 Swift, 19 Swallows, 20 Curlew, a Whimbrel, a Fulmar and 12 Grey Plovers heading south, whilst a Guillemot and 9 Common Scoter headed north. More young birds were about with Linnet, Greenfinch, Dunnock, Robin  and Starlings the most evident.

Ringing; 6 Linnet, 3 Dunnock, 2 Greenfinch and a Robin

Tuesday 11th June 2013

A cool easterly today, but no migrant passerines were about. However offshore 11 Common Terns, 10 Arctic Terns, 97 Common Scoter and 8 Sandwich Terns headed north, and 27 Barnacle Geese, a Fulmar and 3 Curlews headed south, whilst a Lapwing dropped in on the Common having arrived from the north.

Ringing; 2 Linnet and single Greenfinch & Starling

Monday 10th June 2013

The wind speed has finally died down this morning meaning that only have 2 fleeces on - don't you just love the British summer ! Reed Warbler is today's migrant in the bushes although a few more babybirds are starting to appear including a "red" juvenile Robin that hasn't come from here so will be a dispersing bird from elsewhere. Offshore 12 Brent north, 23 Common Scoter offshore plus 8 south plus a few terns. Finally 6 Barnacle Geese went south overhead & 6 Sanderling were on the beach.

Ringing- 2 Linnets, 1 Robin, 1 Dunnock & 1 Reed Warbler.

Sunday 9th June 2013

The cool north-easterlies continue. Turtle Dove was todays migrant. The first baby Song Thrush & Chaffinch of the year appeared and the local Robins are already are on a second clutch in a new nest having reared a brood of 3 already. With most of the local breeding birds struggling this year it's good the Robins are doing ok.