Saturday 22nd June 2013

Blowing  a gale. Going south 350 Swifts, 29 Common Terns, 24 Barnacle Geese, 5 Little Tern & 2 Curlew plus going north Fulmar & Sandwich Tern.

Friday 21st June 2013

A wet start to the day. Few birds were about but mid morning to lucky observers found a Roseate Tern at the Point, after feeding for short time it headed off south into the murk. Whilst waiting for it to return a Manx Shearwater headed south as did 2 adult Med Gulls and an adult Kittiwake.

June Litter Pick

Litter pick this Saturday 22nd June 0930hrs start. Further info on the events page of

Thursday 20th June 2013

A misty breezy day. Few birds were about apart from 10 Sandwich Terns (3 up river and 7 north) and 25 Common Terns.

Ringing; 5 Greenfinch and a Linnet

Wednesday 19th June 2013

A misty muggy with heavy periods of rain this morning. Viz mig produced 21 Swift (20 south & 1 north), 13 Barnacle Geese and 2 Canada Geese south and a Curlew also south. The Muntjac was seen again in the compound and the muggy night produced 70 species of moth in the traps

Ringing; 3 Greenfinch, 2 Linnet, 2 Dunnock and single Great Tit, Chiffchaff and Robin

Tuesday 18th June 2013

A Chiffchaff is today's migrant - but it's that time of the year when spring migration has all but ground to a halt. Hobby knocking around again & a dispersing juvenile Mistle Thrush put in a brief appearance. Offshore a few terns coming & going plus 4 Common Scoter north. Temperatures are finally starting to pick up making it feel a bit more "summery".

Monday 17th June 2013

Spot Red south at 0430hrs is a good record for us of a species not noted annually here. Lots of Hobby sightings this am with at least 3 different birds noted. 1 Dunlin in off the sea but very little else on the move. Baby Blue Tits out today but the brood size is small. Muntjac in the compound is the first for ages.

Ringing - 2 greenies, single robin, starling & blue tit.

Sunday 16th June 2013

A drier day but still windy. Viz mig this morning involved 100 Woodpigeon, 89 Swift, 8 House Martin, and 5 Swallows headed south. Other birds of note were a Hobby, a Lesser Whitethroat and the first young Blackbird of the year.

Ringing; 2 Linnet, 2 Chaffinch and single Dunnock and Whitethroat.