Saturday 8th February 2014

3 Bonxies & 3 Fulmar (inc a dark "blueish" one) were this mornings highlights. Also noted going south 120 Golden Plover, 65 Knot, 55 Kitts, 8 Brent, 7 Oyk, 4 Gannet, 4 Shelduck, 4 Common Scoter, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Pintail & 2 Guillemot plus northward bound 4 Gannet, 4 Common Scoter, 2 Red-throated Diver & Oyk. The sandpiper is still present in the dock viewable in the distance from the view point.

Friday 7th February 2014

Your blogger was up the river on a low water count this morning. Not sure what the observers he left on site were doing as next to no records logged to write about - or probably just nowt here ! Finally the elusive sandpiper is still on Landguard terminal on the dock.

Thursday 6th February 2014

Going south 18 Brent, 6 Kitt, 5 Grey Plover, 2 Red- breasted Merg, 2 Golden Plover, Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Goldeneye, Common Scoter, Oyk, Dunlin & Curlew. A Shag & Rock Pipit were noted whilst looking for the elusive sandpiper from the view point.

Wednesday 5th February 2014

Blowing a gale. The elusive Common Sand viewed distantly in the docks from the view point has pale legs which is concerning - hopefully it will get sorted to get a definate id. 6 Snow Bunts still with us. Offshore slightly more Kitts than recent days but little else. Heading south 9 Wigeon, 3 Shelduck, 2 Pintail, 2 Brent & northwards 19 Brent.

Tuesday 4th February 2014

Spent the morning trying, unsuccessfully, to see the sandpiper in the docks (if it is seen later in the day this blog will be updated accordingly). 6 Snow Buntings are along the riverbank & at least 6 Med Gulls are knocking about. Not much else to report although a couple of Linnets were singing early on for the first time this year. The Common Sand again seen late pm but mostly in flight & when it did run around in the open the light was not good.

Monday 3rd Febuary 2014

Glorious sunny morning. 2 Skylarks in off then north were the first of the "spring" & 15 Linnet went south. Next to no time spent starring into the sun offshore with 2 Red-breasted Merganser & a Greylag south the only things of note. 9 Magpies socialising together is also a sign of the lengthening days and mild conditions. Finally a Woodcock was flushed early on. PM update: Slavonian Grebe by tugs fromview point car park & 6 Snow Bunting from back beach. Unbelievably a Common Sandpiper was found on the distant dock beach whilst looking for the slav late pm.

Sunday 2nd February 2014

The suns out & it's windy enough to start drying the place out a bit. Bird wise hard work. Going south 12 Brent, 12 Kitts, 6 Red-throated Diver, 3 Shelduck, 2 Wigeon, Goldeneye & Knot plus heading north 5 Red-throats. Next to nothing seen on a walk around the reserve. Only one Blue Tit on site this morning with the remains of another one freshly plucked at the north end of the observatory compound suggesting that one of the local Sparrowhawks has had a little snack.