Saturday 29th March 2014

Another misty start. A few more migrants were about today with 2 Blackcaps, 4 Chiffchaffs and 6 Song Thrush. On the reserve a nice White Wagtail was located but no Wheatears.

5 Birds ringed; 2 Chiffchaff and single Blackcap, Linnet & Song Thrush.

Friday 28th March 2014

A misty morning. Its still hard work trying to find any birds on site, the only birds today were single Chiffchaff & Goldcrest, 2 Turnstone on the point, a couple of Stock Dove heading south as was a Great Crested Grebe offshore and the 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull was still about.

Ringing; single Great Tit, Goldfinch & Dunnock

Thursday 27th March 2014

Following a good thunder storm just before dawn it was hoped that a few migrants might have been grounded, unfortunately the only birds of note were a single Wheatear and a couple of Turnstone on the reserve and a Chiffchaff in the compound. A 2nd summer Yellow-legged Gull was again present in the gull flock.

Ringing; single Song Thrush & Chiffchaff

Wednesday 26th March 2014

A cold start with a northerly wind meant that very little was noted on site except for 2 Goldcrests. Offshore up to 30 Gannets passed through mostly going north but some lingered following the boats in and out along with some 2000 gulls, mostly Herring Gulls. Despite a lot of searching no White-winged Gulls were found.

Ringing produced only the 2 Goldcrests previously mentioned.

Tuesday 25th March 2014

There was a clear out of migrants overnight and despite south-easterly winds the only bird of note this morning was a lone Wheatear on the reserve.

Ringing; 2 Linnet & 1 Wren.

Monday 24th March 2014

A calm sunny day. The only notable birds about today were 9 Wheatear, a Corn Bunting and a male White Wagtail on the reserve and the Common Sandpiper put in an appearance again on the small beach by the dock.

Ringing; 2 Wheatear and single Great Tit, Blue Tit & Robin.

Sunday March 23rd 2014

Not much to report today apart from up to 8 Wheatear and a Redwing on the common, and 3 Rooks south over. The adult Glaucous and Iceland Gulls are still hanging around on the dock and occasionally offshore following the ships in and out of the river mouth.

Ringing was quiet with only 3 birds ringed . 1 Wood Pigeon, 1 Blue Tit and a nestling Collared Dove.