Saturday 26th July 2014

Another hot day. The only birds of note about today were 3 Sanderling on the beach, a Green Woodpecker on Icky Ridge and a Yellow Wagtail.

5 Birds ringed; 2 Linnet, 1 Blackbird, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Wren.

Friday 25th July 2014

Apart from a Mistle Thrush it was very quiet on site today. Butterflies are still putting on a good show with plenty of numbers and species about. A Porpoise was seen briefly off the point as well.

5 Birds ringed; 2 Whitethroat, 2 Linnet & 1 Ringed Plover (pullus).;

Thursday 24th July 2014

Another quiet day bird wise with the only ones of note being Great Spotted Woodpecker, Grey Wagtail and 2 Barnacle Geese north.

Good numbers of Migrant Hawkers were about today with 20 located, its looking like a good year for this species. In the moth traps was a Cydia amplana (above) a scarce immigrant to these shores and only the fifth year it has been recorded here, also in the trap was a different species of cockroach to our usual species and after following the key we came to the conclusion it was a Dusky Cockroach

Ringing; single Great Spotted Woodpecker, Linnet, Lesser Whitethroat & Whitethroat.

Wednesday 23rd July 2014

The brisk north-easterly winds whilst seemingly poor for birds appear to be bringing out the butterflies in the warm sunshine. Whilst the bird of the day was a wandering Green Woodpecker, 15 species of butterflies were seen along with 5 species of dragonfly.

Ringing produced only 1 Wren.

Finally this photo of a fungus species, believed to be a Lurid Bolete (Boletus luridus) was taken on site today, possibly a first record for Landguard.

Tuesday 22nd July 2014

Another slow morning. The only birds onshore were a Grey Wagtail and Sparrowhawk in the compound whilst overhead 8 Swift went north and a Yellow Wagtail south. Offshore 18 Common Scoter & 3 Whimbrel flew south and 3 Gannet along with single Curlew, Whimbrel & Kittiwake flew north.

Ringing; single Greenfinch & Linnet.

Monday 21st July 2014

Rain overnight again clearing just before dawn. A couple of Common Sandpipers at the north end of the reserve first thing started the day off. Vis mig produced 30 Swallow, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Sand Martin & a House Martin heading south & a Grey Wagtail dropped in, whilst 11 Swift headed north. Offshore 3 Dunlin, 3 Curlew and 2 Sanderling flew south.

The moth traps continue to busy with The Crescent (above) the highlight of the batch, this has only been recorded in 5 previous years. It was also a good day for butterflies with 16 species noted on site.

Ringing; 1 Dunnock.

Sunday 20th July 2014

Another hot and humid night brought in lots of moths to the traps overnight,with lots of butterflies and other insects during the day. Unfortunately the best of these was only a Coast Dart and 250 Diamond backs. On the bird front there was little to catch the eye except for a singing Reed Warbler, and a small number of Terns and Hirundines moving south along with a dozen Curlew.

Ringing was very slow with only 3 birds ringed. 1 each of Whitethroat, Wren and linnet.