Saturday 8th November 2014

A very quiet day with 15 Siskin and 12 Stock Dove south, 2 Snow Bunting on the beach and a Pochard south offshore the only birds of note.

3 Birds ringed; Blackbird, Magpie and Goldfinch.

Friday 7th November 2014

A windy day with rain until late morning. Offshore southerly passage included 199 Brent, 126 Common Scoter, 84 Dunlin, 65 Teal, 58 Shelduck, 23 Golden Plover, 16 Knot, 11 Red-breasted Merganser, 10 Wigeon, 5 Turnstone, 3 Goldeneye, 1 Great Crested Grebe and a Little Auk. Northerly passage included 17 Gannet and 4 Kittiwake. The only other bird of note was a Short-eared Owl that was quartering the reserve and beach.

Ringing; 1 Blackbird.

Thursday 6th November 2014

There was a small arrival of thrushes on site this morning with 50 Blackbird, 10 Redwing,  5 Song Thrush and 4 Fieldfare noted, other birds of note were a Woodcock in the moat and 3 Snow Bunting on the beach. Overhead viz mig included 291 Starling, 22 Goldfinch, 18 Skylark, 17 Meadow Pipit and 10 Redpoll. Offshore southerly movement included 100 Brent, 65 Lapwing, 25 Wigeon, 23 Knot, 5 Pintail and 4 Little Auk (plus 1 north)

28 Birds ringed; 17 Blackbird, 4 Robin, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Dunnock, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Redwing.

Wednesday 5th November 2014

Another thoroughly miserable day with rain off and on constantly throughout the morning. Little was to be found apart from the odd fall of thrushes during the gaps in the showers. The highlights were 54 Redwing and 10 Fieldfare making landfall, along with 257 Starlings and a Grey Heron in off and 3 Red-breasted Merganser south, whilst a Woodcock was flushed first thing.

Only 2 birds were ringed. 1 Blackbird and 1 Robin.

Tuesday 4th November 2014

A calm sunny morning with a steady passage of migrants overhead including 243 Goldfinch, 152 Starling, 83 Meadow Pipit, 48 Linnet, 47 Chaffinch, 38 Skylark, 8 Redpoll (our best day for this species this autumn) and 3 Siskin. Other birds of note today were 2 Goldcrest, 1 Wheatear and a female Bullfinch.

The Common Blue at the north end is still hanging on and a handful of Red Admirals were also still about.

8 Birds ringed; 4 Chaffinch, 1 Wren, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Woodpigeon.

Monday 3rd November 2014

A wet and windy morning. A Wheatear on the reserve was the only bird of note on the deck. Offshore the only birds of note were 13 Brent (6 north & 7 south), 8 Knot, 2 Great Crested Grebe and single Gadwall, Great Skua and Little Egret all heading south.

Ringing; 1 Blackbird, 1 Chaffinch.

Sunday 2nd November 2014

The strong south-westerly winds did not bring us much of interest except for a small selection of ducks and waders passing offshore, along with 5 Swallow south. On site, 1 Wheatear, 1 Black Redstart, 1 Mistle Thrush and an unusual ringing record for Landguard in the shape of a juvenile Stock Dove.

Unusual fungi records noted was this Winter Stalkball , of which a record number for the site of 120 were .
counted today, along with a small number of Dune Waxcaps.

Ringing total was only 3 birds, 1 Stock Dove, 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Chaffinch.