Saturday 27th December 2014

Cold n' wet with south bound 27 Teal, 7 Shelduck, Kittiwake plus north bound 35 Teal, 14 Wigeon, Common Scoter & Bonxie. 2 Redwing was the only indication of migrants on site.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird

Friday 26th December 2014

Bit more happening this dull overcast chilly morning with 346 Cormorants heading out in three squadrons in the half light followed by sea-watching for not to long producing south bound 35 Shelduck, 15 Dunlin, 12 Brent, 10 Mallard, Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Red-breasted Merganser, Ringed Plover plus north bound 28 Teal, 9 Pintail, 6 Brent, 3 Shelduck & Oyk. 6 Fieldfare on site cleared off inland with a seventh individual arriving shortly afterwards. A new large adult male Blackbird trapped with a wing length of 143 mm is obviously not Suffolk born 'n bred also suggesting some "turdus types" on the move.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird

Xmas Litter Pick

Litter pick this Saturday 27th December 0930hrs start - further info on or from

Thursday 25th December 2014

Cracking sunrise deterred any meaningful sea watching but don't supposed we missed much. 233 Cormorants counted flying out to sea to go fishing (are we getting fewer or are they heading out to sea on a different trajectory lately ?). Peregrine pair are now frequenting nesting sites more frequently in adjoining dock visible from the car park with co-operative hunting over the reserve early on disposing of a Feral Pigeon.

Wednesday 24th December 2014

Bonxie drifting south having a "wash 'n brush up" plus a fine male Goosander heading south are today's highlights.

Tuesday 23rd December 2014

Perseverance starring at the sea paid off in the first Pom Skua for some time mid-morning. More notable was a flock of 55 Turnstone south just off the beach which is exceptional for the time of year. Apart from that fairly grim out there with south bound 9 Brent, 4 Kitts, 3 Shelduck, Curlew plus north bound 4 Brent, 2 Red-throated Diver & Oyk.

Monday 22nd December 2015

Got the winter solstice out of the way & with the lengthening days & milder conditions both Peregrines were back on station ! Today's migrants were single Fieldfare & Mistle Thrush (or the same missile that keeps paying us a visit ?). Starring out to sea reached a new nadir with nowt worth mentioning. Handful of waders still on the beach including 3 Sanderling going up and down between the waves like clockwork toys as they are prone to do.

Sunday 21st December 2014

3 Snipe on the reserve flew off inland is a bit odd as they only normally turn up here at this time of the year in harsh weather conditions. Offshore south bound 7 Shelduck, 4 Brent, 4 Wigeon, 3 Gadwal, Red-throated Diver, Great-crested Grebe & Common Scoter, north bound 4 Red-throated Diver, 4 Brent, 4 Common Scoter, 3 Gannet with a Great-northern Diver high flying out over the obs and out to sea mid-morning. On the beach 3 Ringed Plover, 3 Sanderling & 3 Turnstone. The numbers of Turnstone have been declining over the years but we don't know why as still plenty of debris on the tideline for them to root around in - although counts of this species up the estuaries are also showing declines.