Saturday 23rd January 2016

Milder and almost spring like by mid-day. Single Lapwing, Mipit & Skylark went south are probably relocating following the mini cold snap this week. 2 Turnstone on the beach are notable as they are currently difficult to find on site. Finally the old crane on Landguard Terminal was demolished today so the Peregrines are going to have to find a new perch, the Starlings are going to have to roost elsewhere and the Feral Pigeons are now homeless.

Friday 22nd January 2016

Another red sky in the morning before the rain started. Offshore southbound 2 Teal, Red-throated Diver, Brent & drake Eider plus northbound Red-throat and the first Fulmar of the year. Offshore 450 Common Gull & 50 Kittiwake were the highest counts of both species for a while. 2 Goldcrest still surviving but we haven't seen the Chiffchaff for a few days (but that don't mean it ain't tucked away somewhere).

January Litter Pick

Litter Pick this Saturday 23rd January 0930hrs prompt start. Further info on the events page of

Thursday 21st January 2016

Sharp frost  & glorious sunshine first thing resulted in a Woodcock on site. Single Red-breasted Merganser south is the only other record of note. Not quick enough to photo the Woodcock so here's a Wood Pigeon instead - photo opportunities at this time of the year are going to be largely limited to what lives here !

Wednesday 20th January 2016

A few more Blackies than usual on the reserve but now one less as Mr Sparrowhawk took one. Apart from this the highlight was a Meadow Pipit. Just 193 Cormorants heading out this morning in dull conditions with no frost for the first time in days. Nowt of note moving offshore.

Tuesday 19th January 2016

A Rock Pipit was on the point for the first time in a while. A Lapwing on the reserve plus a couple of new adult male Blackies trapped are indicative of colder conditions although no indication of anything else on the move. 596 Cormorants went out fishing before 0730hrs so they seem to be getting earlier recently. One downer is that the Collared Dove nest was checked this morning for the first time in a couple of days. The only sign of mum was a pile of recently plucked feathers on the ground near the nest suggestive of a Sparrowhawk taking the bird whilst she was brooding with the two squabs dead on the nest having presumably frozen to death. Female Sparrowhawks are rather partial to Collared Doves & Mr Collared Dove's main role in nesting is to keep rival males away from the wife so a single parent he is not !

Ringing: 2 blackbird


2015 reports on birds, butterflies, dragonflies, mammals, moths & miscellaneous records are now available in the Archive section of Several of the species lists have also been updated in the Systematic List section.

Monday 18th January 2016

Frost in sheltered spots. Limited observations first thing & again in pm as most regulars were undertaking a co-ordinated low water count up the river. 348 Cormorants went out fishing, 5 Red-breasted Merganser flew south plus 4 Red-throated Diver north. Med Gulls loitering around car parks are starting to get black heads.

Ringing: 1 wood pigeon, 1 blackbird

Sunday 17th January 2016

Cormorant record busted again this morning with 958 heading out fishing in two extended flocks, one shortly after the other. Is this due to disturbance in the wood under their roost inland at Loompit Lake by pheasant beaters ? A single Redwing is today's migrant along with a new Songie on site with 21 Brent moving north the only offshore sighting on a glorious sunny morning. Chiffchaff still here but nowt else to report.

Ringing: 1 song thrush, 1 greenfinch