Saturday 20th February 2016

Single Great-northern Divers south plus another in off then up river plus an adult Yellow-legged Gull are this mornings highlights. Also worth a mention 23 Red-throated Diver north plus 8 Brent & a Red-throat south. Been loitering around car parks trying to note rings on seagull legs recently and it is extremely noticeable that there is a dearth of first-winter Black-headed Gulls again this winter.

Friday 19th February 2016

Frosty & sunny morning. Skylark south is a sign of impending spring movements. Single Long-tailed Tit on site again is presumably a male wandering around looking for a partner. Apart from this it's just the "winterer's" on site although always good to get a Turnstone on the point these days due to their huge decline in numbers here.

February Litter Pick

Usual monthly Litter Pick this Saturday 20th February 0930hrs prompt start. Further details on the events page of

Thursday 18th February 2016

Cold & wet morning so far. Single Curlew both north & south are probably spring migrants as this species characteristically start heading to the breeding grounds from mid-Feb onwards. Also noted southbound 3 Shelduck, 2 Oyk, Gannet  & Red-breasted Merganser plus northbound Red-throated Diver with a single Guillemot offshore. At least one Goldcrest still surviving, 2 Turnstone were on the beach and the local Magpies are starting nest building and repairing previously used structures.

Wednesday 17th February 2016

Limited sea watching produced northbound 9 Common Scoter & 7 Red-throated Diver plus southbound 3 Red-throats, 2 Shelduck & Guillemot.

Ringing: 1 greenfinch

Tuesday 16th February 2016

Sharp frost but no migrants on site & with strong sunshine no offshore observations. It's the time of year when we need to get this years moth list going. To cold for moths but mines of Stigmella suberivora & Ectodemia heringella are abundant on the Holm Oaks to the point where it's difficult to find a leaf without either or both. Also noted Stigmella aurella on Bramble. All three are abundant on site but are far easier to identify by their leaf mines than as a flying moth which are little more than flying specks of dust.

Monday 15th February 2016

Just to remind us it's still winter a heavy frost then it panned it down with snow briefly this morning. Next to nothing offshore in limited watching with a census of the birds around the site just producing the usual birds in the usual places with the highlight being a Meadow Pipit at the north end. Time for some more spring cleaning - oh joy of joy !

Ringing: 1 wood pigeon

Sunday 14th February 2016

Not a lot. A Lapwing on the reserve first thing was soon shifted by the first loose dog of the day. A Long-tailed Tit was a first of the year & a Stock Dove paid a brief visit. Offshore southbound 9 Red-throated Diver, 7 Shelduck & 6 Wigeon with northbound 10 Brent, 9 Red-throats & a Turnstone.