Saturday 11th March 2017

Several "first" of the year this morning in the form of 4 Goldcrest, 2 Chiffchaff, Firecrest & Black Redstart. These along with a small arrival of Robins plus southbound a couple of Mipits and singles of Woodlark, Siskin, Greenfinch & Carrion Crow. Offshore can be basically forgotten with the mist not helping although 61 Barnacles did go south just offshore in three groups.

More expected March fare are now appearing in the traps including Diurnea fagella

10 birds ringed: 3 Goldcrest, 3 Robin, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Great Tit.

Friday 10th March 2017

Nice new boardwalk across the shingle on the nature reserve should concentrate the footfall and protect some of the shingle flora in this area. Very few migrants on site this morning with just a single Redwing on site although 66 Starling are worth a mention as they loiter on the coast before migrating out east. Offshore movements almost non-existent although a Bonxie put in an appearance late morning.

Shoulder Stripe up until the last few years had only been noted once but is now possibly trying to gain a hold ?  It is apparently an abundant moth in Suffolk and lives on Dog Rose, of which there is not a vast amount here, so it is unlikely to become common at Landguard.

4 birds ringed: 1 Wren, 1 Great Tit, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Dunnock.

Thursday 9th March 2017

More signs of spring this morning making it much more pleasant and entertaining. Worth a mention are southbound 13 Siskin, 8 Starling, 3 Rook, 3 Mipit, 3 Greenfinch, 2 Skylark, Grey Wagtail & Carrion Crow plus a northbound Woodlark over the observatory then docks which is always a good bird to get here. Early on 70 Starling & 45 Redwing were on site with common migrants in the bushes represented in the ringing total below. Offshore northbound 80 Brents, Shelduck & Red-throated Diver plus southbound 20 Dunlin & Red-throat. 2 Sanderling were on the beach (11 were here yesterday evening).

The first Frog of the year was in the Butts pond and the first butterfly noted here this year put in an appearance in the form of a Small Tortoiseshell.

14 birds ringed: 4 Long-tailed Tit, 4 Great Tit, 2 Blackbird, 1 Wren, 1 Redwing, 1 Robin, 1 Blue Tit.

Wednesday 8th March 2017

A mostly wet day with a brief dry and brighter spell around midday, before the weather started to close in again. Most birds of interest came from staring out to sea, as Geese were passing in some numbers, with Barnacles being commonest with 102 north and 19 south, with only 22 Brents south along with a cracking drake Goosander, 5 Gannets, 1 Bonxie and a flock of 17 Golden Plover. Also of note were a Fulmar and a Kittiwake north and 6 Siskin south as well as an adult male Reed Bunting that came in off.

1 bird was ringed: Great Tit.

Tuesday 7th March 2017

On the move south bound 24 Barnacle Geese & 2 Mipits. A very small handful of migrants on site including single Fieldfare & Redwing. The Ringed Plovers are slowly drifting back to the site from whence then have wintered with 8 birds out on the reserve this morning.

4 birds ringed: 2 Blackbird, 1 Dunnock, 1 Great Tit.

Monday 6th March 2017

Today's migrants were a single Rook north then possibly the same bird north a while later, 2 Mipits & a Skylark south. Only offshore movement was 71 Barnacle Geese south. Single Redwing & Mipit were on site where the Linnet count is slowly increasing as the days lengthen.

5 birds ringed: 3 Dunnock, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Blackbird.

Sunday 5th March 2017

Weather deteriorating as the morning progressed to a southerly gale and rain. Offshore northbound 52 Brent, 2 Fulmar with southbound 10 Gannet, 8 Barnacle Geese, 2 Brent, 2 Oyk & a Kittiwake. A grey Wagtail flying south was the first of the spring and a Mistle Thrush was present briefly early on.

Ringing: 2 Blue Tit