Saturday 26th January 2019

2,380 Cormorants went out fishing 0720 hrs as the days lengthen then they get earlier. Offshore in 3/4 hr observation 37 Red-throated Diver coming and going, Guillemot on the sea plus 26 Kitts following boats. On the reserve single Linnet plus the pair of Stonechat at the north end.


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Friday 25th January 2019

Thoroughly miserable morning with mist and drizzle. 2,200 Cormorants went out fishing early but nothing else to report.

Thursday 24th January 2019

Time of year for reading gull rings.

2,219 Cormorant went out fishing early on. On site very predictable but worth a mention 2 Goldcrest, Peregrine, Rock Pipit & female Sparrowhawk. Offshore very quiet with 10 Brent north plus a handful of Kitts & Red-throated Diver.

Ringing: 1 Sparrowhawk.

Wednesday 23rd January 2019

Single Fieldfare & Stock Dove present. Stockies have become fewer and farther between over the years with mid-winter records scarce. Offshore a small handful of Red-throated Diver & Guillemot plus 2 Shelduck south.

Lithuanian Black-headed Gull again present in Manor Terrace car park this winter (strangely this individual has never been noted in the other car parks at Landguard).

Tuesday 22nd January 2019

Super Moon looking more normal this morning.

1,570 Cormorant headed out fishing this morning. Offshore southbound 4 Guillemot, 4 Teal, 2 Shelduck, Curlew & Gannet plus a handful of Red-throated Diver coming & going. Walk around produced just the female Stonechat at the north end but nothing else noteworthy.

Monday 21st January 2019

Blood Moon at 0600 hrs about 45 mins after the total lunar eclipse.

After yesterday's huge Cormorant count just 17 went out to sea this morning - I am not sure I will ever work out what's going on. Signs of spring on a glorious frosty morning were 12 Magpies together having a good old chin wag in a "Magpie Parliament" so lets just hope that they talk more sense than our lot. 5 Linnets on site & Goldcrest still with us but that's your lot.

Sunday 20th January 2019

The Cormorants have been missing the last couple of mornings but returned with a vengeance when 3,400 went out on mass down the river early on (this is just short of our record count from last November). Glorious, frosty, winters morning. 3 Turnstone and the camera shy Rock Pipit were along the river bank, 2 Stonechat on the Butts & the overwintering Goldcrest in the observatory compound.