Saturday 2nd March 2019

With a change in the weather a few bits noted offshore after a belt of drizzle went through with northbound 37 Red-throated Diver, 6 Gannet, 4 Brent, 2 Greylag Geese & Fulmar with southbound 3 Shelduck, Gannet plus a fine drake Goosander late morning. Passerines on the move are limited to a Siskin south and a new adult male Chaffinch which, by its wing length, will originate way to the north-east of here.

First Common Quaker of the spring.

Ringing: 1 Chaffinch.

Stephen Goddard R.I.P.

Sadly Steve passed away this week after a long ongoing illness. Our condolences are to his family at this difficult time. Those who may wish to attend his funeral can get further information when they visit the observatory or can e-mail for further details.

Friday 1st March 2019

Migrants were single Fieldfare, Mipit north & Skylark south. A Carrion Crow ringed is only the third of its kind in the observatories history (they are normally far to clever to get caught & watch whats going on).

Today's only moth is Agonopterix arenella which is a fairly common and widespread micro.

Ringing: 1 Carrion Crow.

Thursday 28th February 2019

Two groups of three & two Jackdaw headed south then chickened out in the poor visibility to aim back north. Southbound 50 Black-headed Gull, Brent & Oyk. On site single Greenfinch, Kestrel & Mipit plus new Robin and Song Thrush ringed. Weather changing from the environmentally disastrous record breaking high February temperatures and drought to a lower more seasonally normal feel (but probably still above what it should be at this time of the year).

The Satellite is a moth that come out to play on milder calmer nights in the winter months.

Ringing: 1 Robin, 1 Song Thrush.

Wednesday 27th February 2019

623 Cormorant went out fishing early but as most were going out to the north of us in the mist then might not have got them all. Migrants on site were a Curlew heard going over, 2 Mipit heading south then north, Reed Bunting & a female Stonechat. The two overwintering Stonechat were last seen a week ago with this mornings bird on a part of the reserve that the overwintering birds have not frequented all winter. Stonechat is one of the earliest spring migrants that often starts passing through in the last few days of February.

First Hebrew Character of the year today.

Tuesday 26th February 2019

1,122 Cormorant went out to sea fishing early on. No sign of any migrants although 3 Mute Swan headed out then north & 2 Greylag geese flew north with both of these species prone to spring wanderings in search of new sites. 2 Goldcrest still with us. Late news for yesterday afternoon is of the first couple of Small Tortoiseshell butterflies of the year.

Oak Beauty can be common in deciduous woodland early in the season but we don't get many here.

Monday 25th February 2019

972 Cormorant went out fishing early. On the move southbound 8 Linnet, 2 Mipit & Grey Wagtail. On site a Reed Bunting plus 45 Starling which is a sure sign of movement as they drift towards the coast before heading back east (our normal Starling count so far this year is in the region of zero to 8). Offshore heading south 30 Black-headed Gull & 11 Brent. On site the 2 wintering Goldcrest & Sparrowhawk.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.

Sunday 24th February 2019

863 Cormorant went out fishing early. 2 Reed Bunting went south, Grey Heron went north & a Curlew was on the back beach first thing. Now 8 Ringed Plover investigating the reserve and, finally, Rock Pipit still on the point.