Saturday 7th December 2019

4 Snow Bunting along the beach are the first for nearly two weeks. 2,270 Cormorant went out fishing. Southbound 2 Brent & 2 Great-crested Grebe with northbound 5 Red-throated Diver, 2 Brent & Gannet plus 3 Kitts offshore. Purp on the point concludes the voting.

Friday 6th December 2019

Redwing is todays migrant. Offshore hardly riveting but southbound 9 Common Gull, 4 Guillemot, 4 Kittiwake, 2 Gadwal, Brent & Red-throated Diver with northbound 2 Red-throats, & Gannet plus a loitering Bonxie. 1,768 Cormorants went out fishing. On the point Purp & Rockit.

Ringing: 1 Redwing.

December Litter Pick

Litter pick this Saturday 7th December 0930 hrs start. Usual arrangements on the events page of

Thursday 5th December 2019

2,840 Cormorant headed out to sea fishing. Lapwing on site early & a new Blackie feeding on the apples in the mouth of the Helgoland trap. Early blog report today so if anyone turns up & sees anything worth noting it will be added later.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird

Wednesday 4th December 2019

In the "good old days" Linnets were rare here in the winter but over the years odd small groups are now fairly regularly noted.

Glorious sunny winters morning with some late autumn passage with southbound 7 Skylark, 2 Mipit & Siskin plus a Fieldfare on site early morning. Rock Pipit still on the point & Stonechat on the Butts. 1,850 Cormorant headed out to sea fishing early on but may have missed some.

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

If you were on an exotic foreign holiday one would rate the colours on these as stunning whereas over here they just get a bad press.

They promised us fog & we ended up with a glorious winters morning. Not a lot to report but southbound Little Egret & Skylark. On site 2 Mipit & Chaffinch plus Purp & Rock Pipit on the point. That's your lot !

Monday 2nd December 2019

Whereas the mass of Cormorants that went out yesterday went over the observatory the bulk today went out well to the north of us today and we logged very few. On the move southbound 60 Black-headed Gull, 7 Goldfinch & 5 Siskin. Single Lapwing & Mipit were heard over the reserve. Other coverage poor as all the mist nets were taken down and packed away for the winter.

Ringing: 1 Song Thrush.

Sunday 1st December 2019

Offshore movements poor with southbound 37 Brent, 10 Red-throated Diver, 4 Black-headed Gull, 2 Common Scoter, 1 Shelduck & 1 Tufted Duck with northbound 11 Brent, 4 Common Scoter, 4 Red-throats & Teal. 2,921 Cormorants went out to sea fishing. Rock Pipit on the point but nothing else to report.