Saturday 8th February 2020

1,640 Cormorant headed out fishing. Southbound 30 Brent, 6 Red-throated Diver, 5 Shelduck, Fulmar & Skylark with northbound 3 Brent. 2 Purps, 2 Snow Bunting & Rock Pipit at the point present & accounted for.

Friday 7th February 2020

2,864 Cormorants headed out to sea down the river with the great bulk of them in one extended flock at 0720 hrs. Stock Dove is today's visitor. 2 Snow Bunting & Purp still at the point.

Thursday 6th February 2020

Ringed Plover are starting to investigate their nesting grounds on nice days like this - presumably they winter not to far away. 260 Black-headed Gull were roosting offshore in the flat calm conditions, 5 Long-tailed Tit visited, 5 Crows and 5 Shelduck flew south & a Lapwing was present early on. On the point Purple Sand & Rock Pipit.

Wednesday 5th February 2020

Not often the Snow Bunts sit up on posts.

Fine drizzle first thing evolving into a glorious sunny morning. Offshore southbound 96 Red-throated Diver, 5 Shelduck & 2 Brent with northbound 10 Red-throats & 2 Brent. 2 Snow Bunting, Purp & Rock Pipit at the point as per usual.

Tuesday 4th February 2020

An hour seawatch produced southbound 9 Shelduck, 4 Brent, 2 Greylag, Barnacle Goose & Red-throated Diver. At the point 2 Snow Bunting & Purple Sandpiper as per usual. 3 Long-tailed Tit only other thing worth a mention on a cool windy morning.


This years AGM is to be held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020. All members should have been e-mailed an agenda plus the minutes of last years meeting. If you have failed to receive this please check your Bulk/Spam box in case it is in there - if not, sincere apologies & please e-mail for a copy.

Monday 3rd February 2020

With the lengthening days some species are keen to get back to their breeding grounds. Migrants included a Reed Bunting heading south then back north plus a Yellowhammer south. 35 Linnet is the highest count of the year so far, 9 Long-tailed Tit visited, single Mipit and Skylark were on the reserve and our first Greenfinch of the year was noted. At the point 2 Snow Bunting, 2 Turnstone & Purple Sandpiper. 1,094 Cormorant went out to sea fishing. Offshore southbound single Oyk & Shelduck plus assorted seagulls.

Sunday 2nd February 2020

Yellow Brain fungi - assuming we have identified it correctly as fungi not easy.

A juvenile (probably 1st winter) Iceland Gull followed the MV Heron Hunter in mid-morning was good to see as "white-winged" gulls have been non-existent here this winter. 1,012 Cormorant went out late on parade in the heavy drizzle so may have missed some. Half a dozen Red-throated Diver noted offshore, 2 Snow Bunting on the strand line near the point & Rock Pipit on the rocks.

Saturday 1st February 2020

Attended the AGM of the Bird Observatories Council at BTO Thetford so another late blog. 4 Skylark went south is a tad early for spring migration but with it being so mild some species will be keen to go back from whence they came. 9 Long-tailed Tit paid a visit with 9 Linnet also worth a mention. Offshore a handful of Red-throated Diver plus a couple of Brent, Oyk & Shelduck.

The hibernating Buttoned Snout found in the cellar on 19th December 2019 was re-found. We have looked for it several times in the past six weeks with no joy, suggesting that when hibernating they move around a bit and don't sit in the same spot.

Friday 31st January 2020

Your blogger was attending a 1st Aid Course so if anyone wants an accident now is the time to have one as if you leave it a couple of weeks I might forget what has been learnt. 1,616 Cormorant went out fishing, Rock Pipit was on the point plus a Mistle Thrush paid a visit.