Saturday 13th March 2021

Pied Wagtail

 Windy windy windy still, with the blasting westerly force 6-8 dominating proceedings; birds over the sea included 61 Brent Geese, an increase to 633 Cormorants coming in from the north to their feeding grounds, a Gannet, 2 Golden Plover, a Knot, 3 Red-throated Divers, a Fulmar and 7 Shelduck.   

On the land the few migrants comprised a female Merlin which flew down the point carrying prey (which, from feathers recovered later was possibly the/a Purple Sandpiper), 2 Firecrests heard calling in the compound, 5 Redwings at dawn and a Rook.

Friday 12th March 2021


 We kept the strong WSW winds, making life difficult but it did remain dry and bright!  There were a few birds over the sea through the morning which included 24 Barnacle Geese north, a Great Skua lingering at the river mouth, 21 Brent Geese, 275 Cormorants, a Gannet, a Golden Plover, a Great-crested Grebe and 3 Wigeon.   A trickle of birds on the land also comprised a Woodcock, a Stonechat, a Stock Dove south, a Sparrowhawk, 4 Meadow Pipits and 3 Chaffinches.

Thursday 11th March 2021

Carrion Crows

 Another tough day which, although it was largely dry and sunny was dominated by the blazing force 7-9 WSW wind; the morning seawatch produced 3 Pintail, a Grey Plover, 3 Fulmar and 9 Brent Geese before we braved the wind and erected a good part of the breeding bird fencing on the point, watched over by a couple of Ringed Plover pairs cheering us on.

Hardly anything else to mention although the Purple Sandpiper was in the teeth of gale on the pier on the point.

Wednesday 10th March

Hebrew Character - the only moth captured last night; a common species at this time of year although only noted in single figures these days, whereas, double-figures were the norm last century.

 Hard work today with strong winds and rain pretty much throughout; visibility was poor so even the sea didn't yield too much although 5 Brent Geese, a Gannet, 2 Mediterranean Gulls and 2 Red-throated Divers were counted.   An adult Yellow-legged Gull was briefly on the reserve, presumably the same Firecrest was heard calling again in the compound and 6 Ringed Plover, 3 Sanderling and a Turnstone were on the beach.


 Many thanks to all those members who have renewed for this year. Membership renewal e-mails have been sent to all members who have not renewed so far. Unfortunately a couple of these have 'bounced back' as the e-mail address we have on file is not valid. If you have not received a reminder & intend renewing please contact If you don't intend renewing, thank you for your contributions in the past and please can you let us no so that your details can be deleted from our members database.

Tuesday 9th March 2021


 A pretty nice day with light NW winds and plenty of warm sunshine (the wind still had a chilly kick to it though); there were a few birds overhead through the morning highlighted by a Red Kite which eventually drifted off over the port.   Also of note were an influx of corvids with 29 Carrion Crows, 4 Rooks and 3 Jackdaws, a Chaffinch, 2 Greenfinches, a Grey Wagtail, a Rock Pipit and a Skylark.

Birds in the bushes included a few new Blackbirds, an increase to 29 Linnets, 4 Redwings, 4 Robins and best of all a Jack Snipe flushed from the beach - only the 10th spring record.   The sea was quiet with a massive reduction in Cormorants (only 270) - have they headed back to the continent en masse, 3 Common Scoter, 3 Herons north in the evening, a Mediterranean Gull and 10 Shelduck - also heading north in the evening with seven displaying on the point in the morning.

March Moth - The first moths since 20th February were trapped overnight.   March Moth is an early season flying species in which the female is wingless, so we have only ever seen the males here

Monday 8th March 2021


 Still nice and calm but complete cloud cover and haze in the distance reduced visibility; the wind had also switched round into the WSW which produced a little trickle of migrants passing over the Obs in the morning which included 6 Chaffinches, 3 Greenfinches, a Grey Wagtail, a Rock Pipit and12 Siskin.   

On the sea 2,922 Cormorants were counted along with an Eider and 2 Mediterranean Gulls while the land produced a Chiffchaff and a new Blackbird in the nets and a Firecrest.

Sunday 7th March 2021


Another lovely, if chilly day with a feather light NNE wind giving the conditions an edge; an increased 3,713 Cormorants flew south first thing to their feeding grounds while other birds offshore included 2 Velvet Scoter, a Pintail which came out of the river and went north, 4 Common Scoter, 2 Gannets, a Heron, 34 Red-throated Divers and a Shelduck.

On the land we had to make do with a Chiffchaff, a Stonechat, a new Robin trapped, a Skylark and 3 Peregrines with the Port pair seeing off a young male by driving him far out to sea.