Saturday 8th January 2022

Today it rained. 410 Cormorant went out fishing early on with a further 366 coming in from the north an hour later. A Great Northern Diver flew south, took a short cut over the point and up river. Far to long spent starring out than it justified with almost nothing moving except southbound single Knot, Pintail & Red-throated Diver plus at least 4 Kitts following shipping. A single Red-throat was in the river out the back.

2022 Membership Renewals

Existing members should have received an e-mail reminding them that this years membership fees are now due. Many thanks to those of you who have paid & a quick reminder to those who haven't yet got round to it. The observatory relies on you to "keep the show on the road".

New members who wish to support the work of the observatory are welcome to join with further details on - or via the Home Page icon on this blog.

If you would like to support the work of the observatory, without becoming a member, donations are most welcome. If you would like to donate via bank transfer then the observatories bank details are on the membership form - please reference "donation" plus your name. If you would like an acknowledgement of receipt of a donation please e-mail

Friday 7th January 2022

Extremely predictable mid January morning with nothing different to report. With the tide as low as it can get this morning even the regulars on the point avoided being noted. 5 Med Gulls behind shipping in the harbour is worth a mention but that's your lot.

Thursday 6th January 2022

Glorious sunny frosty winters morning with 436 Cormorant heading out fishing early on. 3 Fieldfare were present early on before departing inland with a couple of other migrants noted in the form of single Redwing plus 2 Chaffinch instead of just the regular one on site. 3 Sanderling were on the beach early morning plus the usual 2 Purps & Turnstone were on the point.

Ringing: 1 Wood Pigeon

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Late afternoon no photo for the blog so here's a view towards the point taken just now.

Cold sunny start. 235 Cormorant went out fishing early on with another 470 coming in from the north an hour or so later. Otherwise deadly quiet and predictable. 2 Purp & 2 Turnstone on the point, 7 Kitts offshore & 5 Med Gull scrounging from fishermen late afternoon as they were packing up.

Tuesday 4th January 2022

Weather wise dull & benign with the temperature falling throughout the morning. Offshore southbound 13 Brent, Goosander & Ringed Plover with northbound 8 Common Scoter, 6 Eider & 4 Red-throated Diver. The usual 2 Purps & 2 Turnstone on the point & 7 Fieldfare dropped in briefly late morning. 

Monday 3rd January 2022

Candlesnuff Fungus at the base of Lilac half way up the back steps.

An hour or so staring out produced southbound 9 Shelduck, 6 Brent, 4 Wigeon, Goldeneye & Red-throated Diver with northbound 2 Brent plus 32 Kitts offshore. Singles Purps are on the riverbank plus on the southernmost groyne in front of the Butts. A walk around the site just produced what lives here.

Sunday 2nd January 2022

Collared Dove are now only occasionally seen here in the winter and have not bred in the past couple of years despite being seen as near as the Customs House on a daily basis.

After a few ducks on the move in the first hour or so yesterday this morning produced just southbound 10 Wigeon, Brent, Fulmar & Red-throated Diver with northbound 2 Brent. 42 Kitts offshore & a Guillemot in the river only other things worth a mention.