Saturday 15th January 2022

484 Cormorant headed out fishing first thing on a dull murky morning. Otherwise its the usual birds in the usual places.

A rummage around the observatory buildings revealed one of the hibernating Buttoned Snout plus 15 Herald Moths still present from last year.

Friday 14th January 2022

Another glorious sunny, frosty, calm morning. No migrants seen. Very much same old same old. Just the one Purp on the point.

Bird Observatories Council Newsletter

The latest Bird Observatories Council newsletter is now available on -

(copy & paste above onto your browser & it should work).

Thursday 13th January 2022

I don't want to be photographed today !

Glorious sunny frosty morning. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew south, circled around then back north is only our fourth January record for this species that winters nearby. Purp was on the point but that's your lot.

Wednesday 12th January 2022

485 Cormorant headed out fishing. 6 Ringed Plover & 2 Sanderling were on the beach very early plus one of the Purps on the point. 2 Mute Swan went south then into the river with 2 juvenile Shag south just offshore, also, early on. Only migrant noted was a Fieldfare in the afternoon. Don't be surprised if the Guillemot in the river doesn't get reported again as an emaciated corpse was on the beach by the view point. 



 Applicants need to be competent birdwatchers and have a BTO bird ringing ‘C’ permit with a mist net endorsement as a minimum requirement. An interest in other aspects of natural history and biological recording is also needed.

 The position runs from Mid-March until mid-November 2022. A job description is available on request. If you require any specifics, please don’t hesitate to ask. Please e-mail

Tuesday 11th February 2022

Dull old morning with fine drizzle setting in from late morning. 10 Sanderling were on the beach very early on. Purp, Turnstone & the elusive Rock Pipit also put in an appearance. Only migrant noted was a single Fieldfare.

Monday 10th January 2022

 No coverage as all the regular observers on a co-ordinated low water count up the river. I am, however, informed that the 2 Purps were present and accounted for on the point.

Sunday 9th January 2022

483 Cormorant headed out fishing when it was barely light 30 minutes before sunrise on a glorious sunny day. Only birds noted on the move were southbound 7 Brent, 3 Teal, 2 Red-throated Diver & a Marsh Harrier with northbound a single Red-throat. 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull are worth a mention as we don't see many in mid-winter despite plenty inland.