Saturday 29th January 2022

Slightly better photo of yesterdays Egyptian Geese.

A Mipit flying south on a mild start to the morning plus a Stock Dove are our first of the year for both species, after which there is nothing to offer readers.

Friday 28th January 2022

A Woodcock was whizzing around the site just as it was starting to get light is the first noted since the end of autumn passage in early December last year. 2 Egyptian Geese flew south (above - don't normally need to identify the birds in photos but in this case thought best to do so !). On the point 2 Purps, Turnstone & the elusive Rock Pipit that is obviously wintering here but has no problem hiding up somewhere.

Thursday 27th January 2022

The number of Cormorant counted going out in the morning is dependant on how many go out before it is barely getting light. Brief observations this morning included southbound the first 3 Barnacle Geese of the year, 3 Shelduck, Brent & Red-throated Diver plus northbound a Red-throat. That's your lot.

Wednesday 26th January 2022

Sunset over Essex.

517 Cormorant headed out fishing early on & 2 Purps on the point. Both Peregrines were interacting briefly over the dock cranes with the male showing off with some classic courtship flight behaviour.

Tuesday 25th January 2022

Reed Mace has been taking over the observatory pond resulting in it drying out (not helped by lack of rain either). As we had a record year for Odonata species diversity last year across the site it is useful to have some open patches of water in the various ponds so an attempt will be made to clear some patches out in the next couple of weeks. Bird wise the 2 Purps are still here but its otherwise the locals - although the Purps look fairly settled for the winter.

Monday 24th January 2022

Dull overcast flat calm morning. Offshore southbound 10 Red-throated Diver plus 6 Kitts behind boats & a Great Crested Grebe sat on the sea. Single Fieldfare & Linnet on site plus the usual 2 Purps & Turnstone on the point.

2021 ANNUAL REPORTS & Lists updates

2021 annual notes for Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Mammals, Moths & Miscellaneous records are now available on or via the HOME PAGE link above.

2021 ringing totals, updated annual totals & an updated ringing recoveries report are on or via the HOME Page link above.

Several updated systematic lists are on or via the HOME PAGE link above.

Sunday 23rd January 2022

With the tide very low Sunstar Crossaster papposus & Sea Anemonies on the jetty give us a feeling of a rocky coast. Apparently there are 70 species of Anemonies around the UK but have never attempted to identify which ones we have.

214 Cormorant went out fishing 20 minutes later than yesterday on a dull overcast rather than a clear morning. Nothing else to report.