Saturday 26th February 2022

Glorious sunny late winters morning. Signs of spring were southbound 2 Skylark & the first Jackdaw on the move which is bang on dead right timing for start of passage in this species. 19 Starling is our first double figure count of the year (despite a regular flock of 30 - 40 just north of our recording area) & the 2 regular Purps are still here.

Friday 25th February 2022

Glorious start but guess what ? - it's now blowing a minor gale. Linnet numbers have increased to 35 as the days lengthen. Last century numbers didn't get to this sort of level until the second week of March but times have changed. The 2 Purps are on the point present as per usual.

Thursday 24th February 2022

To much time reading the same gull rings in car parks lately which are always easier to get in wet conditions due to less punters & dogs running about (the way some dogs hoover up bread put out for gulls one would think the owners never feed them). 

More wind plus rain gusting Force 8 when a nasty squall went through mid-morning. Not a lot to report although the 2 Purps are on the point and, presumably, the same adult Yellow-legged Gull put in an appearance.

Ringing: 1 Great Tit.

Wednesday 23rd February 2022

A Yellowhammer heading south is today's migrant - spring passage in this species can get going right at the end of February although not many are seen here going over. 2 Purps are still on the point.

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Parliament underway - let's hope they talk more sense than our lot ! Spring gatherings are basically a good chin wag to discuss nesting territories and sort out social hierarches with the great bulk of birds in these gatherings related to one another with outsiders given a tough time if they attempt to join in.

A couple of signs of spring were a Brambling for about an hour early on plus a Grey Wagtail heading south. 

Monday 21st February 2022

Another day, another gale with this ones peak gust just a tiny tad short of Storm Force 10 of 47.59 knots at 1030 hrs but accompanied by a storm surge of 1.18 metre above predicted levels at high tide in the pm. Another assorted selection of vegetation damage in the observatory compound with several hours in the past week spent on just trying to tidy up. An hour sea watching early on produced southbound 9 Brent, 3 Red-throated Diver, 2 Oyk & Great Crested Grebe. Just 28 Cormorant headed out fishing early on were joined by another 190 coming in from the south in the far distance a while later having roosted we know not where.

Sunday 20th February 2022

Just for a change its blowing a gale - again ! An hours purgatory looking out to sea early on produced southbound 5 Brent, 3 Red-throated Diver, 2 Shelduck & 2 Wigeon with northbound 13 Brent. With the tide very low about 300 Cormorant could be seen in the far distance siting on the Cork Sands although they weren't seen going out. A sizable Grey Seal pup hauled itself out on the nearest sandbar offshore. Finally the 2 regular Purps are back on the point for the first time in several days.