Saturday 18th February 2023

Late winter doldrums. 1,000+ seagulls around the Haven & offshore plus 3 adult Gannet attracted inshore behind the MV Navios Indigo coming in. 2 Brent south in over 1.5 hrs watching just proves how little is on the move at the present time. Could have left the binoculars behind on a census walk around the reserve as so little to look. Roll on spring !

Friday 17th February 2023

Mild but windy. Heading south 4 Brent, Common Scoter, Oyk, Little Egret & Red-throated Diver. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was with the gulls behind shipping in the harbour although this is a species that we quite probably overlook in the mass of gulls offshore at times.

Thursday 16th February 2023

Extremely predictable late winters selection with 4 Ringos on the beach early morning & 9 Magpie having a social get together the only hint of spring despite the mild conditions for the time of year. Offshore a Curlew went south & a Common Scoter north. 

Wednesday 15th February 2023

Mist, rather than thick fog this morning. 410 Cormorant headed out fishing although some may have been missed in the murk - a freshly dead adult in the middle of the reserve without a mark on it was a bit odd. The Rock Pipit was on the point again but, apart from that, a census of the entire site just revealed an exceedingly predictable list of what lives/winters here. 43 Wood Pigeon on the beach this afternoon is worth a mention although could be related to the fact that they cut the grass by the factory/river of life church where a flock of 30 to 40 have been feeding in recent days.

Tuesday 14th February 2023

 Flat calm with thick fog finally clearing mid-day to give a sunny but misty pm. Nothing of note to report.

Monday 13th February 2023

4 Sanderling on the beach first thing. 2 Ringos & a Turnstone around the shore plus Rock Pipit on the point.

Sunday 12th February 2023


907 Cormorant headed out fishing early on. Flat calm conditions with nothing moving offshore. In addition to the Songie singing on the Butts 2 more were on the reserve. 9 Mediterranean Gull is the highest count of the year so far although counts of other species of gulls have been declining as wintering birds drift off.