Saturday 11th March 2023


Almost flat calm frosty start with some pleasant sunshine breaking through mid-morning. Hopefully the cold conditions are on the wane in favour of some milder conditions. Migrants consisted of the start of Robin spring passage & literally no other signs of birds on the move noted at all.

Ringing: 3 Robin.

Friday 10th March 2023


Light drizzle, then rain & now blizzard conditions with snow settling. A flock of 5 Mistle Thrush with a single Fieldfare & Redwing is the largest spring flock of Mistle's ever in the observatories history plus our first Redwing sighting of the year. Despite the weather winter thrush's are starting to get on the move back to their breeding grounds. We don't get many spring records of Mistle Thrush & have absolutely no idea where they originate from although it is fantasised that they may be from Eastern & North-eastern Europe where populations are known to be migratory. A flock of 11 Starling (in addition to 2 locals) may well be birds from Europe moving to the coast before heading across the North Sea. Offshore viewing conditions awful.

Thursday 9th March 2023

We were in a drought - no longer. Rain & more rain. Apart from Cormorants with over 2,500 offshore very little worth mentioning. Southbound 3 Red-throated Diver with northbound 4 Red-throats & Common Scoter. 

Wednesday 8th March 2023


Grim. Cool easterly with light rain/sleet all day. Southbound 9 Red-throated Diver, Fulmar & Shelduck with northbound 7 Common Scoter, 5 Gannet, 3 Common Gull, 3 Red-throats & 2 Shelduck.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.

Tuesday 7th March 2023


Rain/sleet/snow to start the day. A Kittiwake was loitering around the jetty but no sign of any spring migrants on site. Offshore southbound 13 Red-throated Diver, 9 Brent, 3 Gannet, 3 Teal & Oyk with northbound 34 Red-throats, 11 Brent & 3 Shelduck.

Despite the weather the first Hebrew Character of the year showed up.

Monday 6th March 2023


Blackcap was a surprise as their spring passage doesn't get underway until the last ten days of the month or is this the bird seen on 1st February that has been existing furtively on site unseen for nearly five weeks ? Other migrants were a Goosander heading out over the observatory then north-eastwards on its way back to its natal area - we don't see many in spring although the first ten days of March seems to be a prime departure time. First new Blackbird of the spring is plum on cue. Of note is some drizzle & light rain from mid-morning as we are in drought conditions.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird, 1 Blackcap, 1 Blue Tit. 

Sunday 5th March 2023

Offshore northbound 20 Red-throated Diver, 4 Gannet & Common Scoter with southbound 3 Shelduck. On site migrants non-existent.

First Common Quaker of the year which, as the name suggests, can be "common" at this time of the year in parks & gardens.