Saturday 30th December 2023


963 Cormorant headed out, 129 came in from the north & 95 went south. Southbound 101 Red-throated Diver, 11 Brent, 5 Wigeon, 3 Common Scoter, 3 Razorbill & Great Crested Grebe with northbound 78 Red-throats plus about 60 Common Scoter on the sea a long way out to the north of us. Whilst looking through the gulls in the harbour, which included 3 Meds, a Sparrowhawk headed out from the Port low over the water to Harwich although this might be part of its usual foraging routine for all we know.

Friday 29th December 2023


1,070 Cormorant headed out fishing. Southbound 5 Teal, 3 Pintail, 2 Canada Geese, Great Northern Diver & Red-throated Diver. Cetti's still at the north end plus a couple of lingering Linnet.

Thursday 28th December 2023

Another day another gale. 550 Cormorant went out fishing. Southbound 12 Wigeon, 3 Shelduck, 2 Common Scoter, 2 Shoveler, 2 Velvet Scoter & Brent with northbound 7 Red-throated Diver plus at least 83 Kitts offshore.

Wednesday 27th December 2023


585 Cormorant went out fishing on a dull old morning. Southbound 83 Kitts, 29 Wigeon, 27 Shelduck, 18 Brent, 14 Red-throated Diver, 7 Common Scoter, 5 Pintail, Avocet & Gannet with northbound 8 Red-throats, 2 Razorbill + 70 Common Scoter & a Razorbill sat on the sea. Strangely the Avocet pitched in to sit on the sea for some unexplained reason. A walk around the site produced the regular Rock Pipit but very little else.

Tuesday 26th December 2023


Photos don't do the pink moon illusion any favours as it appears larger as it drops below the horizon as the Cormorants are coming out down river. 513 Cormorant  went out early on. Glorious boxing day weather brought large numbers of humans out for a stroll. Little to mention bird wise - 28 Common Scoter south plus 70 on the sea in the distance, handful of Brent & Red-throated Diver on the move and a single Razorbill.

Monday 25th December 2023


990 Cormorant headed out fishing late on parade as is the case in recent days adding an hours flight time from wherever they have roosted to the feeding grounds than should be the case plus at least another 320 came in distantly from the north. Southbound 15 Brent, 7 Common Scoter, 4 Shelduck, 2 Red-throated Diver & Oyk with northbound 8 Brent, 8 Red-throats & Common Scoter plus at least 70 Common Scoter sat on the sea to the north of us and 2 Razorbill offshore. Cetti's & Rock Pipit still in their favoured places.

Sunday 24th December 2023

Overnight low of 12 Celsius and, despite the gale force winds, reaching over 15 degrees this afternoon is a a bit barmy for the time of year. Southbound 14 Common Scoter, 8 Brent, 6 Shelduck, 4 Wigeon, & Great Northern Diver with northbound 7 Red-throated Diver plus 5 Gannet & 4 Razorbill offshore. First-winter Glaucous Gull followed a container ship in is probably the same individual seen a week or so back. 15 Waxwing south is a good Landguard record.