Saturday 7th September 2024

At last the conditions aligned, and we had a busy and exciting day. First bird of note, and highlight of the day was a 1st year Icterine warbler discovered about 7am. This was followed by a host of other migrants inside and outside the compound. These included; 8 redstart, 1 whinchat, 7 yellow wagtail including blue-headed and grey headed races, 6 pied flycatchers, 8 spotted flycatchers, 6 reed warbler, 2 tree pipits, 3 garden warbler, 12 willow warbler and 5 chiffchaff. 

4 grey wagtail over were more expected and wheatear numbers were up to 12. 2 Brent geese flew south and a great spotted woodpecker briefly visited the compound. 

First site record of Passenger. It is a migrant with only about 50 UK records.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 4, Blue Tit 3, Chiffchaff 5, Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 1, Icterine Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Meadow Pipit 2, Pied Flycatcher 3, Redstart 2, Reed Warbler 6, Robin 3, Sedge Warbler 1, Spotted Flycatcher 6, Tree Pipit 2, Whitethroat 2, Willow Warbler 6.  


Friday 6th September 2024

It's been a poor year for a lot of butterflies, but painted lady
 has had a particularly bad one. 

A warm yet windy day still managed to produce some interesting observations. Another redstart was found on the Butt's, whinchat numbers were up to 4, pied flycatchers up to 5 and yellow wagtails up to 7. The tree pipit remained around the observatory compound, whilst 13 meadow pipits were out on the reserve, indicating the start of their autumn passage here. At least 3 garden warblers were on site, along with 4 sedge and 3 reed warbler.  

Leopoldius calceatus was found in the moth trap this morning. The first U.K record was only about 6 years ago.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff 2, Garden Warbler 3, Meadow Pipit 1, Pied Flycatcher 4, Sedge Warbler 3, Reed Warbler 1. 


Thursday 5th September 2024

Slightly quieter on the bird front today, yesterdays wryneck was not refound this morning, and whilst the dotterel was, it flew high south in the afternoon. Still a few migrants around the site however, 3 wheatear, whinchat, redstart, reed warbler and pied flycatcher. 2 yellow wagtails were out on the reserve and the purple sandpiper was still on the point. 

L-Album Wainscot has colonised this century but, like many other species is not having a good year so far. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Pied Flycatcher 1, Reed Warbler 1. 

Wednesday 4th September 2024

First Dotterel for over ten years & the reappearance of the Wryneck ringed two days ago kept the punters happy. The supporting cast included 12 Wheatear 4 Willow Warbler, 3 Lesser 'throat, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Sand, Garden Warbler, Grey Wag, Mipit (1st of autumn), Purple Sand, Redstart, Tree Pipit & Yellow Wagtail. Southbound 245 Swallow, 14 Sand Martin, 4 House Martin & Little Egret. Offshore southbound 13 Cormorant, 8 Gannet & 2 Oyk was about it.

Couple of Oak Hook-tip in the last couple of days towards the end of their flight period have turned up.

Ringing: 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Reed Warbler, 1 Tree Pipit.

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

A slower day inside the observatory compound today, with not even a willow warbler recorded. However, out on the reserve, things were slightly better with another juvenile cuckoo, 2 redstarts, tree pipit and still 10 wheatear scattered about. The purple sandpiper was still on the jetty and  2 little tern flew south. 

Porter's Rustic is an immigrant that we have noted on a couple of previous occasions. An influx into southern Britain is currently underway.

Birds Ringed: Lesser Whitethroat 1, Robin 1. 


Monday 2nd September 2024

Calmer conditions held the promise of unusual records today, and for once it held true. A year to the day that we ringed our last wryneck, we caught another 1st year in the observatory compound. Amongst a handful of other migrants, a garden warbler, 2 blackcaps, a willow warbler and lesser whitethroat was another star bird, only the 5th September record of wood warbler, another 1st year bird. A whinchat was out on the reserve as were 10 wheatears, the highest number of the species we've had this autumn. 84 swallow, 4 sand and 7 house martin were a reasonable count of hirundines heading south, and 141 teal trickled south throughout the morning. A Purple Sandpiper was on the jetty mid morning.

A mass emergence of Agriphila geniculea saw 2000+ in the moth traps and probably ten times that number on the reserve.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Garden Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 1, Robin 3, Willow Warbler 1, Wood Warbler 1, Wryneck 1. 


Sunday 1st September 2024


Hot breezy day. Southbound 98 Teal, 8 Black-headed Gull & Common Scoter with northbound 13 Gannet, 8 Common Scoter & Whimbrel was, again, a poor return considering the wind. On site migrants included 4 Willow Warbler, 3 Wheatear, Blackcap, Grey Wag, Lesser Whitethroat, Pied Fly & Reed Warbler. The 3 Wheatear is the highest count of the autumn so far - only a dozen singles have been noted since the end of July and that might equate to less than ten individuals !

A couple of Pearly Underwing have appeared in recent days which are normally fairly regular immigrants here but have been very infrequent so far this year. 

Ringing: 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Pied Flycatcher, 1 Reed Warbler.