Monday 7th March 2011

Glorious sunny but frosty morning. In the main migration seasons we pray for a SSE breeze but this early in the season its a waste of time. New in today were singletons of Chaffinch & Great Tit. Pheasant still here and it was actually heard calling for the first time - so it does have a voice. Singles of Skylark and what is presumably the same Mistle Thrush on the reserve (never known a Mistle Thrush to linger on site for more than a few hours before). An immature male Kestrel was eating either a Newt or a Lizard on the nice new fencing surrounding the Butts pond but only left us some blood on the post and no remains to help identify its morning snack. 2 Fulmars went north offshore and a Curlew came out of the estuary and north over the obs. Finally as i haven't mentioned them for a few days there are still at least half a dozen Med Gulls knocking about.