Sunday 13th March 2011

3 Chiffchaffs and a fine male Black Redstart were the first of the spring. Great Tits are still on the move with at least 25 passing through. Other migrants today include a few new Robins, Dunnocks & Blackies. The rarest record of the morning was a Lapland Bunting that came in from over the docks then flew in a southerly direction out over the shingle - this may be the first one ever of its kind to be noted here in the spring. Also noted were a Siskin flying south and a Jackdaw put in a brief appearance. Further signs of spring are displaying Ringed Plovers and 8 Shelduck on the reserve early morning plus the daffs are finally coming into flower. In the moth traps Agonopterix curvipunctosa - this is an extremly rare moth in the UK but one which has a small population here.