Wednesday 30th March 2011

The "nordic" Jackdaw Corvus monedula monedula/sommerringii was still here early on and has several feathers missing from one wing so may well hang around. Nice arrival of new birds in today including the first Willow Warbler of the year. Departing winter visitors included 16 Redwing, 3 Fieldfare, Brambling, 3 Siskin & several new Robins and Blackies. New in were at least 3 different Black Reds and a Lesser Redpoll. On the reserve only 2 Wheatears today plus a Skylark with another flying south overhead. Groyne 19 held 3 Purps this morning - the first time they have put in an appearance for some time. Finally the Short-toed Treecreeper has been re found in the last hour having been elusive all morning. In the moth traps the 1st site record of Caloptilia betulicola. Quite an entertaining mornings birding.