Wednesday 9th March 2011

Wheatear today is very early in the season for us, probably brought up by the favourable winds. A male Stonechat on the Butts plus a couple of male Frogs clutching onto a female in the Butts pond were also signs of spring. Last year we only managed two records of Stonechat all spring and none at all in the autumn. 60+ Starlings on the reserve plus at least 10 Chaffinchs will be migrants on their way back to the continent. In the bushes not a lot although a new Robin & Blackbird were ringed and the Firecrest is still here. A Jackdaw put in an appearance as did 13 extra Crows to wind up the local pair. A solitary Skylark & Meadow Pipit went south. Offshore 45 Brents north 8 south, 7 Common Scoter & 2 Mergansers north.