16th April 2011

A pleasant day with very little wind. The day began with complete cloud cover. A Ring Ouzel was found on the reserve although at times rather elusive. The first 2 Lesser Whitethroats of the year were heard singing this morning, one in front of the observatory. 28 Swallow migrated south as did 1 Fulmar and 6 Goldfinch. The first 2 Sandwich Terns of the year were seen heading north. An impressive 30 Wheatear were found out on the reserve. Also found today was a Tree Sparrow. It was extremely quiet on the ringing front with a very poor number of new birds being trapped and ringed. 6 birds ringed in total today; 2 Blackcap, 2 Goldfinch and 2 Linnet. A Small Tort, Small White and Green veined White butterfly were also recorded.