Recent Ringing Recoveries

Amongst the recent batch of recoveries received from the BTO are a male Chaffinch ringed here on 2nd March 2010 re caught by a Norwegian ringer at Vest-Agder 786km to the NNE of us 30 days later & a Firecrest ringed here on 31st March 2008 caught again by a ringer in Southampton on 25th January 2011. Also in the recent batch a couple of oldies. An Oystercatcher ringed as an adult at Fagbury (prior to the dock being built over it) on 23rd February 1986 was taken by a raptor 25 years later on Friesland, The Netherlands on 25th March 2011 & a Black-headed Gull ringed as an adult on 6th December 1986 was re trapped by a ringer in Ipswich 24 years later on 7th December 2010.