Saturday 30th April 2011

A fairly breezy day with a strong east north-easterly wind. Much of the morning was spent seawatching. Highlight of the day was a Spoonbill seen coming in at 09:20hrs. This is only the 7th Landguard record. Throughout the morning an impressive 270 Common Terns were counted heading north; also on the move were 3 Fulmar, 1 Gannet, 31 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Whimbrel, 1 Curlew and 11 Greenshank. 8 Swallow were also recorded moving through. The Shorelark remains present out on the reserve along with 10 Wheatear. A Lesser Whitethroat was heard singing in front of the observatory and 4 Common Whitethroats were also found. A Grass Snake was found within the compound along with a Hairy Dragonfly.