Sunday 3rd April 2011

Black-headed Gulls on the move this morning with at least 1,340 south. Also going south 240 Wood Pigs, 12 Crows, 20 Swallows & a Jackdaw. 2 Blackcaps & a House Martin were new in as were a couple of new Robins, a Chiffchaff & a Goldcrest. Nice to hear a Black Red singing - one of at least 3 present on site. 12 Wheatears is our best count of the year. Also worth a mention 2 Fieldfares, Brambling & a Firecrest. Linnet numbers have shown a welcome increase on the reserve to at least 50 and should hopefully build up as the week progresses. Finally the Short-toed Treecreeper is still with us and pulling in the punters.