Wednesday 20th April 2011

Another glorious sunny morning. 2 Little Terns equals our earliest ever date. Also moving north offshore 7 Arctic, 2 Sandwich, 1 Common Tern and a solitary Whimbrel. Overhead 4 Yellow Wags going south one of which displayed a few features of one of the other races when it dropped in briefly by the point. Also going south a Redpoll and a handful of hirundines & Goldfinchs. In the bushes several Whitethroats are setting up territories with a single Blackcap and the loitering Redwing still present. Only 1 Shorelark seen this morning with at least 15 Wheatears present on the reserve plus a Skylark that popped in for a visit. 2 adult Med Gulls were the first seen for several days and 9 Turnstones are still with us. Late news - male Serin turned up about an hour after this blog was written.