Wednesday 11th May 2011

A colour-ringed albino Herring Gull stood out from the crowd of gulls & terns by the jetty early onish. A mixed bag of birds noted today including 2 Jays, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Spot Fly and a new Chaffinch & Long-tailed Tit (failed breeder going walkabout ?). On the move going south 72 Swallows, 3 Sand Martin, 1 House Martin, 3 Crossbills, 2 Gadwal, Jackdaw & Rook; going north 2 Swifts & an Arctic Tern plus 2 Whimbrel north 1 south. On the reserve a Wheatear with in the "flava" wagtail department yesterdays bird that has been identified as every race possible by different individuals, 2 Yellows and a claim of a female Blue-headed just to complicate things further. A couple more Orange Tips noted so here's hoping the species might recolonise this year having been absent for the previous five. Also of note were a couple of courting Slow Worms.