Wednesday 25th May 2011

Thankfully the wind subsided this am for the first time in days - even went SSE as the morning went on. Migrants today included 3 Willow & a Reed Warbler plus a fine Whinchat on the reserve. A new female Wren was presumably a failed breeder from elsewhere that has lost its nesting site and been forced to find a new home. Still a trickle of Swallows going south with 2 Turnstone & a Whimbrel going north. Apart from this its the usual birds in the usual places. In the moth traps a Pale Tussock was the first of its kind here since 2004. A day flying micro moth around the Privet in fairly large numbers is Adelia croesella - new to the Landguard list. As a day flyer that has never turned up in the moth traps is this a species that we have previously overlooked or has it recently colonised ?