Monday 13th June 2011

Curlews again on the move this am with 70 south offshore. Also on their way 3 Gannets, a male Gadwal & a flock of 25 Common Scoter (just the one female - this is the norm at this time of the year with the males on their way to somewhere like Carmarthan Bay to moult). 4 male Shelducks south offshore could also be contemplating the trip to Helgoland to moult. Also going south 10 Swifts, 2 Crossbills & a House Martin. On shore little of note although entertaining to watch some Herring Gulls smashing open Snails to gain a tasty morsel - although the Ringed Plovers were getting frustrated by this activity and having to undertake the old "broken wing" display act to draw the gulls away from their nest.