Sunday 7th August 2011

Trickle of waders going past including 9 Oyks, 8 Knot, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Turnstone, 2 Dunlin, a Barwit, a G.P. & a Ringo. Also on the move a handful of hirundines. Migrants in the bushes a bit non-existent with the highlight being a dispersing Great-spotted Woodpecker. On the reserve 2 Wheatears with 30 Common Terns feeding off the point. Several Whitethroats & Lesser Whitethroats scattered about may well be starting to include the odd migrant but with 5 pairs of Whitethroats & 3 pairs of Lessers having bred this year it is impossible to tell migrants from the offspring of the nesters. The strengthening WSW winds are not conducive to producing any excitement amongst the wildlife as well as the observers !