Wednesday 10th August 2011

A small arrival of new Robins today (at least 10 on site) plus a couple of Willow Warblers. New Robins at this time of the year will be dispersing juveniles kicked out by their parents looking for winter territories - as soon as they get a red breast then mum & dad are no longer nice to them as they are now seen as competition. Plenty of birds on the reserve with good numbers of Linnets, Greenies, Starlings plus a healthy flock of House Sparrows around the cottage. On the move vacating our shores 19 Swifts, 69 House Martins, 67 Swallows & 9 Sand Martins going south. Also on the move a handful of waders going south offshore plus a lone Common Scoter north. A single Painted Lady is the second in two days and hopefully indicates an upturn in the fortunes after what has been a very poor year for this species.