Sunday 4th September 2011

Amongst an assortment of ducks moving south this morning were 96 Wigeon, 85 Teal, 16 Common Scoter, 10 Pintail & 3 Shoveler. A handful of waders also on the move with the highest count achieved by Grey Plover with 7. Also worth a note were a Little Egret, Hobby & a Jackdaw. Hirundines on the move were 665 Swallows, 34 House Martins & 29 Sand Martins with a solitary Swift also putting in an appearance. 2 Yellow Wags dropped in briefly on the reserve where there was at least 14 Wheatears, 5 Whitethroats, 3 Willow Warblers, 2 Lesser 'throats, a Spot Fly & a Chiffchaff. Still plenty of Linnets and Spadgers on site to plough through whilst hoping for that elusive goodies hoped for at this time of the year !