Tuesday 27th September 2011

Fog lingering until almost mid-day. An Osprey appeared out of the murk and flew low over the observatory - if it had been any further away than just over our heads then we wouldn't have known it was there. A Golden Plover was heard calling several times as was a Lapwing that departed inland. Visible migration non-existent in the conditions with sea watching impossible - in fact we couldn't see the sea until late morning. A few grounded migrants noted with Chiffchaff numbers just squeezing into double figures with low single figure counts of Wheatear, Whinchat, Garden Warbler, Lesser 'throat & Goldcrest. In the moth traps 2 Bordered Straw put in an appearance. No doubt if you pop down this pm you will manage more than we did this am as the sun is now out.